The lazy tone, the slightly raised lips, the sloppy expression, and the image of Yara, were interpreted by him to the fullest.

Tong Yan, like Fang Chi Xia, belongs to people who are not interested in the entertainment industry.

Fu Xi’s background, she understands, but people who have such identities are not interested.

Did not look at him, Tong Yan took his words as if he did not hear it, and continued to walk along the pool.

Fu Xi was not discouraged. The hand was supported on the tile, and the body slid upwards, and easily jumped out of the water. He followed the boy's face in a few steps.

"Miss Qing, so clever, I didn't expect to meet here!"

Tong Yan is still irrational.

"You don't remember me? We met at the banquet of the cold minister's house earlier, and there was a young master together!"

Tong Yan’s head is not going back to his own, and he still ignores it.

"We have seen it since we were a child. Do you still remember it? At that time, it seemed to be a few years old. It was also a banquet. At that time, we also grabbed a piece of cake together!"

Fu Xi said a lot from beginning to end, however, Tong Yan from the beginning to the end, love to ignore.

Fu Xi just smiled at her coldness, shrugged, and strode down to the beach chair in front of her.

He took a cocktail next to him, and he casually drank and stared at her.

I looked at her on the ground several times, and the smile in her eyes was getting deeper and deeper.

Tong Yan’s gaze did not drift to him, and he was still walking around the pool.

Who knows, when he passed by him, Fu Xi, who was lazy, suddenly stretched out his legs, and Tong Yan didn’t see it for a while, and he couldn’t help him to get a hook. The body would look down on the floor in front. ——

Fu Xi’s arm hooked her at the right time, and the whole person was encircled in his arms.

His series of actions, the response was very fast, and soon, the person who had trained his body, even had no time to avoid it.

Tong Yan’s body in his arms was beginning to stiffen, his face was a cross, and his face was cold and he wanted to push him away.

However, the corner of my eye was seeing Shi Yanyang, who just came over at this time. Her raised hand suddenly stopped.

Shi Yuyang was about 20 meters away from the two people. The two eyes were coldly watching the two people holding them. Their eyes were sharply swept on the skin, and the children’s face only felt the pain of the needles.

Fu Xi didn't seem to notice him behind him, so he stared at the child's face, so he was staring at her.

He was very close to her, and the arm hooked on her waist didn't mean to let go of her.

He looked at her, and the smile in his eyes was very strong.

"I really don't remember me? Do you want to think about it? I remember that when we were young, we still had a primary school. You were three years old, but then I went abroad."

He has been talking about childhood, and is in contact with Tong Yan.

Tong Yan’s other roots don’t remember what he mentioned. For her own reading period, she basically stopped all her memories in Shi Yangyang, Fang Chixia, Qing’s two sister brothers, and a group of people at night.

As for the rest, she didn't have a memory.

However, Fu Xi’s words, she did not make any explanation, and even the eyebrows bent and smiled very brightly. “So, that’s a coincidence!”

The beauty is pregnant, or a cold beauty, and now suddenly smiles so brightly on her, Fu Xi looks at her face with a bright smile, a kind of flattered feeling.

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