The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2163: Was abducted by the fox

What do you do when you are busy with a phone call?

The small milk bag was quietly watching the reaction of her, and she came to her side and looked up at her face. "Summer, do you say that North and North really go to the night?"

"Otherwise?" Fang Chixia, when he was angry with Luo Yibei every time, couldn't make a fire against Luo Yibei, it would be easy to open the spear to him like Luo Yibei.

The small milk bag was innocent and was used as a gun. She was smacked and touched her nose, and added a sentence. "But, what is inconvenient to answer the phone at night?"

Yes, what is bad for answering the phone at night?

This is also the place where Fang Chi Xia is bored.

The small milk bag watched her reaction quietly, and the small mouth moved and seemed to want to say something.

However, considering your own words may cause confusion, and when you are about to export, you will hold back your words.

What he wants to say is whether it will be related to which fox.

However, this kind of thing happened to Luo Yibei, it seems unlikely.

Fang Chi Xia seems to have gone with him on the one hand, but I think about it, she thinks she wants more.

Now Cheng Anning is getting married, and which woman can Luo Yibei have?

Fang Chi Xia is not a woman who likes to think about it. She did not take this matter seriously. She decided to wait until Luo Yibei came back.

However, after waiting for a few more days, there is still no news of Luo Yibei.

Fang Chixia was completely annoyed at his behavior, and a phone call to Qing Muchen.

The phone rang a few times, and unexpectedly, the answer was actually Luo Yibei.

Two people should be together.

He didn't know what he was doing, the voice on the other end of the phone, hoarse like a person who hadn't slept for a few nights. "Chi Xia, what's wrong?"

Fang Chi Xia had not heard his voice for several days. In the absence of any expectation, his voice suddenly came from the phone. Fang Chi Xia was a joy, however, when he thought of his days. Behavior, all the joy in her chest, all turned into anger.

"Louis North, do you know what you are doing? Leave your wife and son for so many days and don't go home. Why don't you answer the phone? Is it so difficult to say a word? Did you miss a few minutes? If you don’t come back, don’t you at least say something to your family? I liked it earlier, and now I like it. What do you want? You don’t know if someone in the family is worried?”

In her words, almost every sentence was thrown out, and it was like a machine gun.

Luo Yibei was stunned and unexpected. Today, his temper is exceptionally good.

Not because of her words, she was angry, and his voice was even very gentle. "There have been a few things in the past few days, and it’s too busy outside, so you and the baby are worried!"

The character of Fang Chi Xia, when the fire is up, it is very violent.

However, the muzzle shot a large pass against him, but in exchange for his warm and moist words, Fang Chixia's temper was suddenly wiped out.

"What happened at night?" she asked a little.

"It doesn't matter, business affairs, come back when you solve it." Luo Yibei softly comforted.

Fang Chixia called, mainly to know what he was doing, and it was not safe.

He said so, she let go of her heart.

"Be careful, I am waiting for you at home with Xiao Yi." He sighed, she hung up.

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