The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2170: Anxious to go to the lovers (3)

When Luo Yibei came back, it was half past eight.

Fang Chixia changed her very casual skirt and stood tall to wipe the window.

She is very youthful, her skirt is short, her length is only to the thigh, and her hair is only tied with a hair band. Everything looks like when they just got married.

Even the appearance, no change with the original, it is really not a woman who is four years old.

Luo Yibei stood at the door and stared at her like this. She looked at her lips and unconsciously hooked her lips.

After six years of marriage, she was still the same as her, and even her words and deeds were the same.

"You are back!" Fang Chi Xia's eyes slanted to the side of him, shook his hand on the rag, smiled and greeted him.

"Chi Xia, down, this kind of thing does not need to do it yourself!" Luo Yibei walked toward her in a few steps, came to her side, and opened her arms to her.

Fang Chi Xia Station is a ladder, staring at his arm and looking at it, wanting to climb down the ladder and walk towards him.

However, when she turned around, she did not know what happened to her. In front of her eyes, her head suddenly became dizzy, and the body leaned back and fell straight toward the ground.

Luo Yibei's face changed, and the footsteps moved to the side. Before she landed, she opened her arms and held her steady.

His speed is very fast, and the visual observation is very accurate. Fang Chi Xia did not suffer a slight injury.

Leaning in his arms, staring at his face above his head, her eyes were confused, as if she had not recovered from her own business.

"Don't do this kind of thing in the future!" Luo Yibei did not take the accident seriously, and took her to the restaurant.

He didn't know why she fell, and it was natural to understand that she was going to step on her feet.

"Yeah." Fang Chi Xia stunned his stunned head and did not take things seriously.

Occasionally dizzy, normal people can happen.

"Did you eat? I brought you dinner!" Fang Chixia broke free from his arms, walked in front of him into the restaurant, and took out the dinner he brought.

"What is this?" Luo Yibei looked over and looked at it. The big/stinger sat on the chair and took her to sit on one of her legs.

"I did it!" Fang Chixia handed him a pair of chopsticks.

However, Luo Yibei did not pick up.

The big hand clasped her wrist, and the fingertips gently stroking her clear pulse. He picked it up and picked it up. "You feed me!"

"Good." Fang Chixia did not sing against him this time. He held a piece of fried beef with chopsticks and sent it to his mouth very well. "Hey."

Luo Yibei did not expect that she would talk so well today, watching her a bit flattered.

"Don't you eat?" Fang Chixia pushed the chopsticks in front of him.

"What do you not eat?" Luo Yibei opened his mouth and sent the food she had sent to the entrance.

His mood seems to be seriously pleased by her, even when chewing, the lips are hooked.

"Don't go back tonight!" The arms squinted at her slender waist, his hands swayed and she stalked her waist with a little bit of meat. I refused to take it with my hand.

Fang Chixia had a bit of eating during this time, and the meat on the waist was really a bit more, but I couldn’t see it, just feeling it.

And, the feeling is not very obvious.

"Right, has the matter in the Middle East been solved?" Fang Chi Xiabian sent a spoonful of food to his mouth and chatted with him.

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