"Don't think too much, the sensitive disease is catching up with the pregnant woman!" Luo Yibei faintly ruined her, carrying her on the beach.

Fang Chi Xia also feels that he wants to think about it in the past two days. When he thinks about where he is going to go to Europe, what can happen?

The power of the night is in Europe and in the country, almost every city has its own power, she does not have to worry about anything.

Thinking about it, Fang Chi Xia did not entangle in this matter.

Neither of them knew how long they had been walking along the beach. Fang Chixia was afraid that he was too heavy and fell from him.

Although she is light in weight, she also has ninety pounds of good weight. It is certainly not easy to carry such a heavy carry.

"Just stay with me for a while!" Pulling him to find a clean place to sit down, Fang Chi Xia licked his arm, his head lightly on his shoulder.

Half past three in the morning.

After another hour, you should be able to see the sunrise at sea after dawn.

Fang Chixia had nothing to sleep with, but leaning on his shoulders and smelling the familiar taste of him, the consciousness slowly did not dominate.

"Give me a gift when I came back!" The furry head glared at his arms. She was half asleep and half awake, still chatting with him.

"What do you want?" Luo Yi's north lip was slightly involved.

"Princess House, a little bigger, can put a kind of room, pink." Fang Chixia's voice, hehe, I heard that I was about to fall asleep.

"How do you think about this?" Luo Yibei had some surprises about her proposal.

"As a gift to our future daughter." Fang Chixia's voice is getting weaker and weaker. "Yes, I can use it."

"Okay, I will remember." Luo Yibei glimpsed a little, staring at the ink on the surface of the sea, opened a starlight.

Fang Chi Xia seems to be asleep, and I don’t know if I heard him. The head of the chicken is a little bit like a glutinous rice, as if it might be planted in his arms at any time.

Luo Yibei pressed her to lean on her arms, and untied her coat on her body.

Fang Chixia slept very hard. He had slept late last night. When he woke up, the sun was old.

The man is lying in bed, but the person who sent her back in the room is not there.

"Luo Yibei!" Fang Chi Xia opened the bed and opened the bed, slowly went to the bathroom and looked.

Didn't find anyone, she turned to the villa downstairs, "Louis North, are you still there?"

The villa was empty and there was no response.

"Luo Yibei!" Fang Chi Xia Lakai opened the door and walked out, involving the legs walking in the street outside the villa, wanting to find, a bodyguard just passing the whispered reminder, "Little lady, the young master has gone!"

"Walk?" Fang Chi Xia Shen sinked, took out the phone and looked at the time, looking at the pointer pointing at ten, she stunned her head.

It is already ten o'clock.

His plane is more than eight o'clock.

How did she sleep so hard?

Fang Chi Xia was somewhat annoyed that he slept too well, and some complained that Luo Yibei would not say anything to her.

It’s also a good time to go abroad. Wake up her before going, let her send a bad one?

"Little lady, the young master told me that if the young lady wakes up and wants to go back, the small one can send you!" The bodyguard looked at her in a quiet voice, and the voice was pressed lower.

"Good." Fang Chixia did not reject his kindness, Luo Yibei reminded to pay attention to safety, with a bodyguard to accompany, only the benefits are not bad.

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