The two people hugged like this, surrounded, quiet, as if the world had only her last words, kept resounding in the ears of Luo Yibei, drumming his eardrum, drumming his heart, even him Every cell of the body follows.

Tonight, he seemed to be a little excited. He took Fang Chixia out of the room, left the hotel lobby, went out the road, and looked at her behind her, and he hugged her up.

With her running away from the hotel, she was placed in the car, and he drove into the desert behind the hotel.

The night of the desert is particularly beautiful and beautiful like a mirage.

The retro jeep broke through the night, opened a few laps along the long desert, and finally docked near the moon.

The wind blew over the top of the head, and Luo Yi looked at her on the north side. Thinking of her words, he suddenly laughed and laughed.

The sound is very loud, completely let go, and the clearer is like the wind that has blown through. The face of Fang Chi Xia is blown into her heart, lingering, hovering, and engraving all her life.

A burst of sounds sounded in the ear of Fang Chixia, except for the last time the divorce agreement was floating in the sea. In the past, Fang Chi Xia did not see him laughing so openly.

Fang Chi Xia eyes, quietly staring at his face, watching his eyes are very focused.

She likes this kind of Luo Yibei, completely open in front of her, a word, a line, easily imprinted in her heart.

Luo Yibei’s laughter continued. He smiled for a long time. He was still laughing when he looked at her sideways.

"Chi Xia, do you say this time is a boy or a girl?"

"The old saying is that the sour girl, I like to eat sour recently." Fang Chixia stared at him quietly, "So..."

"I still understand the old saying?" Luo Yibei gave her a look and gave her a disdainful look. "Do you know what science is?"

His words are all hurting her.

When he didn’t say that, Fang Chi Xia’s mouth whispered and asked, “Do you think this is a son or a daughter?”

Luo Yibei did not hesitate any more, and went straight back to her, "Daughter!"

He said very simply, confident that Fang Chi Xia almost followed his letter.

"Why?" Fang Chi was suspicious.

"No gender identification, everything is unknown." Learning his fresh tone, she faint irony, "Do you know science?"

Luo Yibei's eyebrows picked it up and returned to her with a good word. "I am talking about science!"

Fang Chi Xia was blocked by him silently, and he couldn’t answer for a while.

Luo Yibei’s eyes gaze in the desert of the dune, and he smiled confidently with his lips. “I said that my daughter must be a daughter!”

Fang Chi Xia white gave him a look, did not take his words seriously.

Luo Yibei put his hands behind his head, his body relaxed in the car seat, his eyes emptied in the night sky above his head, watching the moon close to the feet, the smile in his eyes became deeper.

Just, I don’t know what I thought of, and after a while, I suddenly converge.

Looking at her side, his face turned serious. "I will send you back the day after tomorrow!"

"I am not here to help you. I just want to understand the situation here. I am sure I can open up the market of Rong Xi in this side! You have no right to control me in this respect!" Fang Chixia did not take his words. Going back, push the door open and go to the desert in front of you.

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