Fang Chi Xia was blocked by his words for a long time and could not answer.

"If you have no other questions, can you leave?" Cold praying and squinting at the hand he still stretched out.

Fang Chi Xia Jiao's corner of the eye squinted around the eyes, and did not move to the downstairs glanced.

If she insists here again, will he come over?

Cold and praying coldly, he looked at the outside of the guardrail and stared downstairs and looked at it. "What are you looking at? Is he also in the Middle East?"

"He is not there." Fang Chixia vetoed his words and turned to go in the opposite direction. "I can't leave with you. You can't ignore my will as you did last time. Don't want me to hate you!"

Cold praying seems to have stunned after her words.

Fang Chi Xia listened to the movement behind the lower body, seeing that he did not keep up, the pace of speeding up, running in the hallway.

Cold and cold eyes looked coldly at the figure she slowly walked away. When she was about to cross the corridor, he suddenly reminded, "Is not afraid of the group of people, is there a party nearby?"

Fang Chi Xia Wei, the footsteps at the foot closed.

Looking over the side, staring at him quietly, she was trying to figure out his words.

Just that person, it has nothing to do with him?

"Come here!" Cold praying cold standing in the same place, hooked her finger at her.

Fang Chi Xia did not respond.

Cold and cold, both of them scorned.

"Chi Xia, do you think that I am taking you, is it difficult?"

The expression on Fang Chi Xia’s face was stiff.

Obviously, the answer to this question is that there is no need to question.

"Just want to send me back to China?" Did not go to him as he asked, she asked with no expression.

"Remember this devastating land?" Cold praying cold sarcasm.

"Where are you going to send me back to China?" Fang Chixia asked.

Cold praying cold after her words, he did not seem to have noticed that she had become so alert to him.

"If I just worry that I am having an accident here, I can fly by myself and I don't need to bother with the cold master."

Cold and cold, "..."

Fang Chi Xia turned around and continued to go downstairs without going back.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the group of people is cold and cold, she doesn't have to worry.

There is cold and cold, she can confirm that she will not have an accident.

"To the person who saved himself, is this attitude?" Behind him, the cold and cold voice, with a touch of irony.

"Thank you." Fang Chi Xia over the head and turned back his two words, the steps under his feet did not hold.

Under the hotel lobby, staring around and looking around, did not find the figure of Luo Yibei, she went straight to the hotel.

The corner of the eye slanted the cold and prayed behind the eyes, pulled the door and got on the bus, and wanted to ask the driver to leave. In front, several cars suddenly came out in the direction of her, and blocked her car. real.

The door was opened, and a man in a black suit walked out of it and bowed to her with a respectful gesture, indicating the car he was in.

"Miss Fang, my young master is worried about your safety. Therefore, it is still a small thing to send the plane!"

There are several cars in the other side, and at least ten men are sitting in the car.

Cold and cold came out step by step from the hotel, looking at her with a faint look, no expression on her face.

Fang Chi Xia can not settle a cold and cold, not to mention a group of people.

Coldly staring at a large group of people for a while, staring at her stomach and looking at her eyes, she pondered, bent over a few people's car.

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