Fang Chi Xia Jiao corner squinted his hand, his heart was cold.

Her face was very pale, and she kept a close eye on his reaction, heartbeat, and a few shots.

Cold and cold is still silent, he seems to be struggling with something, the five fingers loosened and tightened, then loosened, and then tightened.

Fang Chi Xia observed his reaction in silence. He wanted to stabilize himself before he let go, and his body had not straightened up. Cold and cold suddenly pulled her up.

Fang Chi Xia was awkward, and he was slightly surprised.

Cold and cold did not explain the slightest behavior of his own behavior, just faintly said, "I can't go back to China, but these days, I don't want you to intervene in anything!"

"I won't intervene in your business!" Fang Chi Xia Wei, some did not understand his words.

Cold and cold, she ignored her, and she looked at the entourage behind her eyes. "Miss Fang returned to the hotel to rest!"

"Yes." Several men nodded at him and walked toward Fang Chi Xia in a few steps.

"Miss Fang, please!" Several people seem to respect each other in the summer, but the strength of her hand is very large, as big as a hoop, hooping Fang Chi Xia’s arm, so that she can’t struggle .

Fang Chi Xia was almost dragged away from the airport.

In the other direction of the airport hall, Luo Yibei is still running towards it.

The entire lobby is very large, and there are many visitors coming and going. The crowded heads have caused many obstacles to him.

It was blocked several times by several staff members.

When I ran to the runway, the cold and cold aircraft was no longer there.

There are only a few shuttle buses that pass through the scene and have been airport staff.

Fang Chi Xia is not there.

Two people just staggered!

Luo Yibei quietly stood in the same place, staring at the empty running field for a while, took out the phone and dialed a phone call from Fang Chi Xia.

Answering him is an automatic voice prompt, the phone has been turned off.

Luo Yi turned around and strode to the front desk and took the next entry and exit record.

There is no square pool summer.

People may not have left yet.

If, take her away is cold and cold, her safety, Luo Yibei is not very worried.

However, he was afraid of the accident that happened a month ago.

After looking for a long time at the airport, she did not find any traces of her. He had to drive to the direction of the hotel where he lived.

Luo Yibei encountered cold and cold in the afternoon, and called to remind Fang Chi Xia.

One month before the disappearance of the pool summer, although she did not mention cold and cold, but in addition to him, Luo Yibei did not think of the second person who might do this kind of thing.

Take her away and not hurt her at all...

In fact, at that time, Fang Chixia was lying, Luo Yibei guessed.


In the opposite direction to the hotel where he lived, Fang Chixia was taken to the car by several bodyguards before being taken to a remote hotel.

This time, she did not start to make trouble as soon as she entered the house. This time, she was surprisingly quiet from beginning to end.

Fang Chi Xia is thinking about the cold and cold reaction.

She didn't know how much he had heard in the previous words, but he didn't let go of her arm, she thought, how much played a role.

She does not want to hate him.

He also did not want her to hate him.

"A few days later, will you let me go?" She looked up and looked at the bodyguard around her, she asked.

"Yes, Miss Fang." The man respectfully answered.

"In the past few days, what is your family's young master ready to do?" Fang Chixia asked again.

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