It seems that any one of his people is more familiar with her than she is.

This kind of Mo Yu, let Cheng Anning very unthinking why he promised to blame himself.

"Not uncomfortable, just to do routine inspections." Fang Chi Xia smiled, his eyes calmly stunned Cheng Anning around him, did not evade the presence of the other party, she added a sentence, "pregnancy test."

"Oh, really?? I heard my mom talking a few days ago. I didn't expect it to be true." Mo Yu's eyes lit up and he was obviously very happy to hear the news.

He is a very clean man, his smile is particularly clear, and he is better than many girls. He can see that Cheng Anning next to him suddenly feels a bit dazzling.

The other man's wife is pregnant, what is his happiness?

"Several families have more than a living treasure. Grandpa Luo started to look forward to grandchildren a few years ago. One Xiaoyi has become a favorite, and one more, the elderly can not be happy every day. If you are born a little princess, then you can't Was the Luo family collectively holding the sky?" Mo Yu did not care about her eyes, from the beginning to the end of self-concerned and Fang Chi Xia chat.

"Iebei doesn't like daughter too? If Xiaoyi Baby really has a younger sister, Yibei will probably become the second bustling and Yafeng Shu! The typical female control!"

"I don't know the gender yet." Fang Chixia and he were already familiar with it. Two people gathered together and could talk.

A few minutes ago, I was still pulling on her daughter. The next second, the topic immediately turned to the night.

Cheng Anning did not understand the whole night. He couldn’t understand the words of the pool and the summer. She was ignored by the two.

Mo Yu ignored her, she did not care much.

If this kind of thing is at home, she hopes that he will ignore her 24 hours a day.

The hand was taken from Mo Yu's hand, and she walked in front of the silence and went outside the hospital.

The front foot only came out of the hospital door, Mo Yu did not know how, the back foot and Fang Chi Xia came out one after the other.

From head to tail and Fang Chi Xia shoulders side by side, eyes will look at her from time to time, when she stepped down, she stared at her.

Cheng Anning did not see who he was so close to.

The main problem is that Fang Chi Xia is the wife of other men, and the children in his stomach are also other men.

What is he doing?

Help Luo Yibei take care of his wife and children or prevent her?

Cheng Anning had no reason to be annoyed, probably he didn’t notice that the face, which had no expression at all, seemed like a woman at the moment.

Mo Yu quietly glanced in her direction, her eyes staying on her face for a few seconds, looking at her like this, he first squatted, and then, if nothing happened, and Fang Chixia talked side by side, " Do you want to go back to Luojia? It’s just that I have nothing to do this time, I will send you back!"

"Okay, thank you." Fang Chixia did not politely with him, smiled, and the two continued to walk outside the hospital.

The direction of walking seems to be the car of Cheng Anning.

Cheng Anning, who was walking in front of him, looked at the two people in this way, and his face was slightly closed.

Listening to Mo Yugang’s words, she thought he should have a car.

However, looking at the direction in which they are going, she obviously thinks more.

Mo Yu walked over with Fang Chixia. Before and after coming to the car, he took the car as his own. The gentleman opened the door and let Fangchi Xia sit up, and then he sat in the driver's seat.

"Wife, are you going to be together?" She looked at her from the window, and the lazy tone brought a bit of fun.

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