After all, a girl who is so similar to her personality, she feels that her heart will not be so dark.

At least, if she wants to fight with a person, she won't choose to come in secret.

"What are you going upstairs? I will accompany you." Luo Yibei with an arm hooked her waist and took her to the upstairs.

"Nothing, just go and see what Yan Yan is doing, don't accompany me, I won't go downstairs." Fang Chi Xia Mao took his waist out of his arms and pushed him gently. "Busy your go." Let's go!"

"Fortunately, I am not busy now." Luo Yibei pulled her back indifferently. "What are you looking for?"

"Do you need a reason to find Yan Yan?" Fang Chixia looked at him strangely.

"First accompany me!" Luo Yibei ignored her eyes, holding her hand, pushing the door of a lounge at random, pulling her and going to the room.

Time value, evening.

Every room in the Qing family can see the gardens, natural lakes, fountains and ancient Greek sculptures. It is a small resort.

The sun at dusk, warm, the whole room is plated with a golden glow.

Luo Yibei's advanced house, after going in, took Fang Chi Xia and walked to the sofa on the side of the gauze.

Sitting with a big thorn, he pressed her to sit on his side.

Her arms wrapped around her slender waist, leaning over her lips, and her lips pressed against the skin behind her neck, and his eyes turned to her flat belly.

Still very flat, still can not see the pregnancy, but it will be softer than before.

Luo Yibei stared at her for a while, clutching her arm tight.

"In the future, and everyone avoids the point." Thinking about the new thing, he reminded.

"Yeah." Fang Chixia did not express any opinion on his words.

Luo Yibei was quite satisfied with her suppleness. She licked her head and fell down in front of her in a good mood. She communicated with her baby in her stomach.

"Baby, I am awkward! Let's not take a photo, remember?"

Fang Chixia was a bit speechless to him.

How many days can I understand his words?

Luo Yibei also ignored her eyes, one hand caressed her belly, still talking to the children who did not form at all.

"Your mommy is a little irritated by the IQ. Usually he is very embarrassed when he is doing things. If he is not careful, he will be hit. So, in these ten months, the baby should be strong, don't rely too much on your mommy." The pool summer is not merciless, as if a child can do something better than her.

"Who is IQ owed?" Fang Chixia was very dissatisfied with his previous sentence, and his face was slightly stiff.

Luo Yibei did not answer, just raised her head and gave her a "Do you not hear clearly?"

Fang Chi Xia was stunned by him, coveted, his eyes fixed on his arm on his big/leg, and she screwed his hand.

Luo Yibei ignored her, took her little trick as a cat, and turned her head over her belly again.

When he talks to Fang Chi Xia, he can ruthlessly derogate her. Every cell can be cold from head to toe. However, when she starts a conversation with her baby, her eyes are soft.

It was a kind of gentleness that Fang Chi Xia rarely saw on his face, like the moment when the snow-capped mountains melted, like a breeze sweeping across the lake, like the morning light of the sea, the incomprehensible charm.

Seeing this look of Luo Yibei, Fang Chi Xia suddenly understood what the daughter is the father's past lover.

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