Fang Chi Xia did not expect her thoughts to be so exquisite, but she asked directly, she does not seem to have to turn.

“How do you just want to hold me?” The vase in her hand was placed back at the table, and she asked very directly.

Cheng Anning’s movements in the hands of the head, sideways, eyes and her flush, no expression on the face, "I am different from Su dye."

She did not explain too much for herself, it was such a simple sentence.

Letter, or not, it is the matter of Fang Chi Xia.

Fang Chi Xia slightly stunned, and her words seemed to be somewhat unexpected.

Cheng Anning turned his head and continued to place silver cutlery.

Fang Chixia stared at her for a long time and seemed to be telling the truth of her words.

"Chi Xia, come and try this!" Shi Luo is on the side of the barbecue. Master Shi Xiao has always taken care of Fang Chi Xia, and she is always worried about her. The skewers on her hands are good, and the hands are raised. Chi Xia waved.

"Good." Fang Chi Xia walked toward him in a few steps, did not be polite to him, and tasted his baked things with the plate.

"Anny, you are coming over too!" Schroeder seems to have no hate to the people so far. Seeing Cheng Anning standing alone, he also waved at her.

Cheng Anning is awkward and seems to be somewhat accustomed to his enthusiasm.

"Come here! Come over! It's all family!" Schloed was still beckoning at her.

Cheng Anning’s character was not restrained, she was not awkward, and she went over.

The place where Schloed is located is on the edge of the open-air balcony, next to the guardrail.

Fang Chi Xia, who stood, stood in the guardrail.

Cheng Anning is close to Fang Chixia and is very close to her.

"I will leave for a while, wait for the meeting!" Shilo roasted and roasted. It seemed to be less seasoning and turned away.

There was only Fang Chi Xia and Cheng An Ning left on the balcony.

Fang Chi Xiabian eats something in the dish while staring at Cheng Anning quietly.

Cheng Anning is a person, she does not know whether it should be.

Mainly because she married Mo Yu married too suddenly.

Turning back, the corner of the eye slanted Cheng Anning, Fang Chi Xia smashed the guardrail around him, and squinted at the open-air balcony without others, she suddenly made a fall, "Hey! ”

She was standing next to the guardrail, her feet slipped, her body fell, and the direction of the pounce was just outside the guardrail!

The two are on the second floor. As long as they fall, adults will not have too many problems, but the fetus, which is less than three months old, must be dangerous!

Cheng Anning is eating a barbecue and has never looked in her direction.

Suddenly, she was embarrassed first.

Fang Chi Xia is still leaning outwards on the guardrail, and the body has been attached to the guardrail. It seems that the next second will fall out.

Cheng Aning’s pupil was slightly shrunk and seemed to hesitate for a second or two.

However, in the end she was still pulling her arm.

Fang Chi Xia side is stiff against her body, as if it is unbelievable to her reaction.

She reached out!

"A pregnant woman, why are you so careless?" Cheng Aning pulled her back and seemed to be speechless to her.

In fact, Fang Chixia’s own hand grabbed the guardrail.

Although the purpose is to test her, but Fang Chixia, if he is not fully grasped, will not make such an action.

The purpose of Cheng Anning entering the major families is important to her, but nothing can be attributed to this child to her.

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