The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2256: You are really numb

"I can't bear it?" An Qi teased him, and while he was silent for a while, he had no choice but to compromise. "Well, one month a month! It can be good to see my baby for a month!"

She is quite satisfied, the phone of two people, just hangs.

Originally, I called Fang Chi Xia. As a result, Fang Chi Xia did not say two sentences in the whole process. This matter was finalized.

"Want to go?" Luo Yi looked at her on the north side, and the phone was thrown into her hands.

"It doesn't matter for a month or two." Fang Chi Xia does not matter.

"Alright." Luo Yibei looked at her leisurely, did not know what to think of, suddenly smiled in a bad manner.

Jun face inclined to her, sticking to her ear, he dragged the sound, slowly added a sentence, "The dangerous period has passed, I will pick you up!"

A meaningful and sinful sentence, Fang Chixia was stunned by him and looked at him sideways.

She knew where he wanted to go!

In the first three months, I can't do anything together, so it's easier to send her away.

"Don't think too much, I will accompany you every other week!" Luo Yibei licked her head, took a file and stood up and went to the conference room. "Go first to open a meeting, come back later." After loading you home to sort things out!"

Luo Yibei's meeting is about the next quarter marketing plan, and all company executives are present.

After a long two-hour drive, Fang Chixia was waiting for him in the room.

"Wife, go!" Luo Yibei walked toward her in a few steps, picking up the jacket on the office chair and draping her shoulders, covering her shoulders, lazily glaring her downstairs. go with.

He sent her back, helped her organize things, sent her and Xiaoyi to the airport, and the whole process was very simple, even without delay.

Fang Chi Xia was allowed to arrange for him, and he said nothing.

Everyone was sent to the private aircraft's gangway, raised his face and stared at him. She couldn't help but float out, "I can't wait to think that I am leaving?"

Luo Yibei was stunned by her words, and her eyes glanced at her strangely. "What are you talking about?"

"It was originally!" Fang Chi Xia stunned, holding Xiao Yi's hand and taking him to the ramp.

When entering the hatch, a fluttering sentence, floating again, "Is there no reluctance?"

Very small and very small voice, like talking to himself, seems to have some complaints.

Luo Yi's north lip was slightly pumped, and she was amused and laughed.

"Baby, I will come soon!"

Fang Chi Xia looked over him and looked at him. His lips were slightly curled up. "Well."

"Be careful on the road!" Luo Yibei waved her hand at her and motioned her in.

Fang Chixia walked two steps forward and returned. "About a few days?"

"Two or three days." Luo Yibei had a faint smile on his eyes.


"Really." Luo Yibei nodded lightly.

Fang Chixia was satisfied with this and turned into the cabin.

However, without taking two steps, I retired again. "Right, at night..."

She seems to want to say something, but if she doesn't export, she is blocked by a sigh of milk and milk, "Hey!"

Very impatient voice, it seems to be extremely speechless.

Fang Chi Xia Wei, he looked at him with a coveted look, "Children, what?"

The little milk bag raised her face and looked at her with a contemptuous look. "You said that you are both numb? You are like a little girl who just fell in love."

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

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