Putting her down, he picked up the small milk bag that was left out on the ground, "Go back!"

The small milk bag now seems to be used to being left out, but the very cold "hmm" sound, the small hand around his neck, let him hold himself to the parking lot.

It was already late when I arrived at the palace.

The palace is very quiet, the door to the villa of the road, only the door and the garden will occasionally see the bodyguards of the night.

The small milk bag was originally intended to sleep with Fang Chi Xia tonight. After returning to the palace, when I entered the room, I saw Luo Yibei behind my eyes. He felt that he was not playing.

Turning around and preparing to go back to his room, Luo Yibei took him up.

"Let's be together!"

The small milk bag was slightly stunned and looked up at him with a look of surprise.

"I want to see you well!" Luo Yibei stared at his little face for a moment, and took him to the room.

His proposal just lining up the meaning of the small milk bag.

Let him hold, Xiao Yi's lips smashed into a line.

He likes the feeling of a family of three together. When sleeping, he can still hold one with his left hand and one with his right hand. How good!

Luo Yibei glanced at him and took him to the bathroom.

He is helping Xiaoyi to take a shower, and the sound of water is screaming, reflecting the night, especially clear.

Fang Chixia thought that he had brought Xiaoyi into it, and he should wash it together. Who knows, when it came out, only Xiaoyi was wet.

Looking at her and glanced at her, she received her gaze, and his lips were hooked.

Very shallow arc, a bit intriguing, and a bit evil.

Fang Chi Xia slightly stunned, reacted to his meaning, his face was a bit awkward.

Is he waiting to be with her?

Luo Yibei did not explain, after holding Xiaoyi out, help Xiaoyi dry his hair, blow it dry, and then took him to the bed.

"Baby, what have you taught in the past two days?"

"History, geography, culture and profile of each country." The small milk bag is very serious about returning to him.

A four-year-old child said such a cultural connotation, Luo Yibei did not feel a bit strange, the reaction is even taken for granted.

"Not bad." He licked his head, Luo Yibei took the toy in the room, and he sat on the bed and played with him.

Tonight, he was very patient and accompanied Xiao Yi for a long time, until Xiao Yi was asleep and sat up from the bed.

Looking at Fang Chi Xia behind her, staring at the clothes she was out of, looked at it, lazily leaning against the chair next to him, he picked a brow, "not too early!"

He is suggesting that she should take a shower and go to sleep.

Fang Chi Xia learned the lessons of the previous few nights and reacted a bit to him.

Going back two steps, she raised her arm and leaned over her body. "Don't come!"

Luo Yi's north lip was slightly pumped and touched his nose. He was lazy. "Don't you come?"

"Cleaning your bath!" Fang Chixia didn't want to argue with him about this problem, pushing him to the bathroom.

Pushing him hard and wanting to bring the door back, Luo Yibei pulled her wrist.

"Just take a shower, don't come to the other." The corner of the lips smacked a shallow arc, and he continued to ridicule as she followed.

Fang Chi Xia did not believe him in the summer, when two people took a bath together, how many times did not happen?

"Don't you, go in yourself!" Wanting to pull out his wrist, Luo Yibei is still refusing to let go.

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