"Is the taste good? If you are not used to it, don't force it." Xi Yaheng pretending to ask.

Fang Chixia was not so casual with him, and he gave him two words ambiguously. "Good."

What is the meaning of okay?

Is it good or not?

Xi Yaheng did not understand what she meant.

It doesn't mean that you all like it when you finish it, or it may just be polite.

Fang Chi Xia did not make any explanation, and still ate himself.

After she came to the Y country, it seems that the food intake is much better than that in the C city, at least not as early as the morning.

This makes Luo Yibei more unexpected, so take the water and soil here?

Luo Yibei sat across from her, her eyes looked at her from time to time, and she was not as uncomfortable as she was before, and she was very happy.

However, this mood did not last for two minutes, but was interrupted again by an action by Xi Yaheng.

The servant who was standing next to him wanted to help the pool to pour the juice in the summer, but it was stopped by Xi Yaheng and stood up, "I will come!"

He took the bottle from the maid's water and he replaced the maid's movement.

What makes Luo Yibei irritated is his next move - taking the plate of Fang Chi Xia, he is helping the pool to cut shrimp in summer!

Luo Yibei eyes fixed in Xi Yaheng holding the fingertips of the shrimp, his face was gloomy.

As a serious and clean person, watching things eaten by other men's hands to the mouth of their own women, this kind of thing, he can't bear!

Is evil not disgusting?

Nothing to offer?

However, Fang Chi Xia does not seem to mind, the other party sent, she actually accepted.

Luo Yibei had an ugly face, because she was calm and straight green.

Crossing the table, Luo Yibei raised his toes and smashed Fang Chi Xia.

Fang Chi Xia was inexplicably stunned by him, and his eyebrows were twisted and he licked his ankle. She glared at him.

Luo Yibei looked at her coolly, her eyes first squinted at Xi Yaheng around her, and then swept the food in her plate.

He is suggesting that she is not allowed to accept the diligence of other men.

Fang Chi Xia can understand the meaning of his eyes.

However, now the full table is sitting on the royal family, what does he let her do?

Put the things that Shi Yaheng sent directly into the trash can, fan the face of the royal family?

Fang Chi Xia ignored him, and he continued to use his meal with his head down.

Xi Yaheng is still helping her, peeling off the shrimp, and then helping her pick up the dish again.

His diligence is not disguised.

The opposite of Luo Yibei could not stand, stood up and walked around the table to Fang Chi Xia. He took her hand and took her to his seat.

Pressing her to sit down, and the leader ordered another person to move in a chair. "Isn’t the appetite been bad recently? The amount of seafood is enough, and the nausea will be taken careless. The fruit is good and healthy."

Regardless of the strange eyes of Fang Chi Xia, he stuffed a plate of fruit platters for her.

In fact, Fang Chi Xia did not eat enough of the main food, and the stomach was still hungry.

She wants to eat meat!

Luo Yibei completely ignored the eyes of her protest and casually gave her fruit.

“Hey, watermelon helps clear the stomach, and it is best for people who eat too much meat.”

Fang Chi Xia was extremely speechless to him, but he did not give him face in front of so many people.

What did he give, what she ate.

After a meal, the final result was that I didn’t eat much staple food and ate so much fruit. When I went out, eating lunch was more hungry than not eating.

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