The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2286: Everything is listening to you

Fang Chixia’s head was dizzy, and the eyes of a group of people in front of him suddenly became disorganized. Everyone who was squatting in her side in English was also a ghost.

There seems to be a small milk bag around me, "Summer! Summer!"

"Mummy, are you okay?"

He was calling her, his voice was very anxious, as if she was scared by her.

Fang Chi Xia could hear his voice and wanted to respond, but his head was mixed.

She didn't know what she was, she didn't stand still.

When the leg squats, the body loses its center of gravity, and when it sees it, it will fall to the ground. An arm suddenly stretches out of thin air, holding her waist in a timely manner, and the slender body then slams into a warm embrace.

Very broad embrace, the person who is carrying her has the taste she likes, clear and clear, not any perfume, the fragrance of the mountains and the springs flowing, and the atmosphere of the sea in the morning.

This taste, she is familiar with six years!

Fang Chi Xia raised his face and stared at the person above the head and looked at it. He saw the person who caught her. Her eyes were wet, and there were so many people in the room. Hug.

"Easy, I thought you had an accident!"

“Xiao Yi and I feel that this is a bit wrong, we are worried when we come over!”

"They said that there was a plane crash at the airport. I saw the LOGO of the fuselage and saw that it was your plane..."

"Don't go back today! Don't go back even if there is an emergency! A private jet is so eye-catching that a LOGO is parked here, isn't it a chance to create something for others?"

"You will change your plane for a return time tomorrow!"

She hugged him very tightly, and said a lot, with his arms around him, Luo Yibei could feel the coldness of her body.

Luo Yibei did not interrupt her, she said that he agreed, "Good!"

"Yeah!" Fang Chixia seemed to have a slow breath, his face buried in his shoulders, and he was inlaid himself.

"Go back and say it!" Luo Yibei took her in one hand, holding Xiao Yi in one hand, and did not go to the plane behind the body, leading the two to stride outside the airport.

The crowd slowly dispersed, and Fang Chixia looked away from the plane behind him as he left the runway.

There is not much damage to the appearance, but there are some defects in the tail, which is probably caused by the impact on the ground when falling.

She separated from him and soon, the runway taxiing also took a certain amount of time. It seems that when it falls, it may just take off.

When Fang Chixia stared at the plane, he was chilling.

If the plane flies high when the accident occurs, can she still see him?

Luo Yibei took her away from the airport, and her footsteps were fast. She did not have the slightest stay at the airport.

I came to the entrance of the hall and stopped a taxi. He reported the destination, "Royal Palace!"

"Okay, sir!" The driver greeted the two and drove slowly toward the palace.

When Luo Yibei was in the car, his face was very tight and seemed to be thinking about something.

The small milk bag is very embarrassing, although he used to behave like a buns in front of him, but when Luo Yibei needs to be quiet, he definitely does not bother.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit serious, and the family did not speak.

Luo Yibei was silent for a while, arrived at the palace, and when he got out of the car, he looked at Fang Chixia, who was preparing to enter the door. He suddenly pulled her hand--

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