The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2288: My baby, I love everything.

The baby's cleverness is that the mind is keen and guessing everything can be guessed.

The steps at Luo Yi’s foot were down, and the chill on his body seemed to be a bit heavier after that.

A subtle reaction, the baby knows, he said casually.

In addition to Fang Chi Xia, she can't guess who has such a big ability to make Luo Yibei's mood so obvious to write on his face.

"Brother, there is a baby in the summer of the pool! Pregnant women get angry, this is anxious, you are not afraid of hurting the child?" The baby glanced in his direction and added a sentence.

Luo Yi was facing her in the north, her body was very straight, and she did not know how to listen to her words.

"Right, if the pregnant woman is really struggling, how difficult it is, you can ask Cheng Xi!" The baby pulled the beggars around him and pushed him to Luo Yibei.

She is reminding Luo Yibei to follow the square pool summer point in the past few months. If it is really troublesome, Fang Chi Xia is more real, and it is still Luo Yibei.

Yan Chengxi is indeed very experienced in this regard.

When the baby was pregnant earlier, he had personally taught him several times.

However, it did not answer the facts.

She took her baby into her arms and stared at her. She looked at him with a sigh of relief. "There is nothing more common between husband and wife. However, if you like someone, you will have all aspects of each other. My family." Even if my baby is tempered again, I like it too!"

The baby is pulling him over to remind Luo Yibei, but he did not expect that he said something like this.

Looking at him stunnedly, she first licked her, and then her lips were pulled out with a smile.

Luo Yibei on the couple can not move on the pink bubble full of flying has been strange, not to care about the words of Cheng Chengxi, he took his legs and continued to go to the direction of Fang Chi Xia disappeared.

However, returning to the villa where the two lived, it was unexpectedly discovered that Fang Chi Xia did not return.

裴An Qi’s courtyard.

After Fang Chi Xia back to the palace, she came directly to her.

She has an exclusive room in Anqi, the place where she lived when she lived in the country of Y.

She actually just wants to come and chat with An Qi, bubble tea, sitting in the courtyard.

Stay in the night and stay overnight when necessary.

After the result came, I was surprised to find that An Qi was not there.

She was received by An Anqi’s personal housekeeper, a middle-aged woman.

"This is a snack that Miss Fang likes very much, and the wife loves it too. Please use it slowly!" The housekeeper gave Fang Chixia and Xiao Yi some small snacks and fruit tea, and then did not bother.

Fang Chixia sat down at the table and poured a cup of fruit and poured it.

The small milk bag lingered on the small round wooden table, staring at her watching.

"Is it angry?" The sloppy tone is very similar to Luo Yibei at the time of suffocation.

When Fang Chi Xia is generally annoyed with Luo Yibei, he will put Xiao Yi into it.

Staring at the face of the little milk bag and Luo Yibei's more and more like the face, the flame that she had not been able to go on in her heart, once again "squatted".

Looking at the look of the little milk bag is also like looking at Luo Yibei, the anger in his eyes seems to be burning.

The small milk bag is especially flawless.

He is so cute, so cute, so flattering, why should he look at him with such a look?

Why do you have to anger to him every time you make a mistake in North and South?

Fang Chixia probably realized that she was a little too far. She poured a cup of fruit tea and drank it. She calmed her emotions.

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