The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2290: I love, there is always only one

"Take your food!" He licked his head, and Luo Yibei took a napkin to help him wipe the sauce at the bottom of his mouth.

The small milk bag pouted, took the paper towel in his hand with a greasy little hand, wiped the mouth gracefully, and raised the chicken legs on the raised hand to continue to lick.

Fang Chi Xia did not speak, hanging his head from head to tail and eating himself.

With the baby, her three meals became a special picky eater. Luo Yibei, who is picky about everything, is not as picky about food as she is.

When she ate, she picked all the vegetarian dishes, picked the seasonings, picked the lengths, picked the soft and crisp, and even picked the colors.

Basically, she can see the dishes of the oil beads, she has not moved.

Luo Yibei brow wrinkled, staring at the dinner on a table, and took a piece of fish with a knife and fork and placed it on her plate.

"Don't picky eaters these few months!"

Fang Chi Xia seems to be stunned for a moment, staring at the food in the plate and looking at it, in fact, there is no appetite, but it is not clipped out.

Lightly hanging her head, she held the knife in one hand and the fork in one hand, and quietly solved the fish that he had sent.

For a dinner, the atmosphere is still very weird.

The three people basically didn't talk much, but the atmosphere was obviously not so stiff.

After using the meal, the little milk bag was taken out by the baby and Yan Chengxi, and it seems to be taken to the Amusement Park.

There was only Fang Chi Xia and Luo Yibei left between the big villas.

Luo Yi was sitting on the open-air balcony of the villa after the northern meal and seemed to be thinking about something.

Fang Chi Xia walked out of the house, holding a cup of fruit tea in his hand, warm, and the cup mouth still faint light smoke.

I stared at him and glanced at him. She didn't talk, and walked toward him in a few steps, sitting on the chair next to him.

Luo Yibei stared at her, and she glanced at it. "I am taking it back today."

Fang Chi Xia seems to have some accidents. He has already sent it to the cup at his mouth and trembled slightly.

"This accident did not involve you, but was curious about the original intention of telling you coldly and coldly." Luo Yibei faintly explained the sentence.

Fang Chi Xia's light face slowly lifted up, and put the cup in his hand aside, watching his eyes look very firm. "You didn't guess wrong, cold praying cold in me, always has a certain meaning! But if there is One day, Luojia and the cold family confront each other, I must be Luojia!"

This is what she wants to express. She did not hide it from Luo Yibei, nor did she avoid the problem of cold and cold.

Even if she has done more, she has never changed her.

The meaning of the word is also very deep, people with a certain meaning, not necessarily like it!

The word love, in her place, has always been related to Luo Yibei!

"I didn't tell you in time, it wasn't like you thought. Just because I didn't want to make a speech before I figured out the purpose of his coming." A few words, she turned and went to the villa.

What she said, she said it.

Believe it or not, it is the matter of Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei looked down on her figure, staring at her back and chewing her words.

Responding to what she said in the words, he sneered at the corners of his lips, and his mood suddenly became a lot of pleasure.

Standing up, he followed her to the house in a few steps.

When I entered the house, Fang Chi Xia had already gone upstairs and didn't know what to do.

Luo Yibei looked up and stared up at the upstairs, and slowly walked up.

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