He even beat her!

Still use this way!

His slap is not a tune between the husband and wife. Fang Chixia feels it is really a lesson!

Fang Chi Xia has never lived in such a pampered life from small to large, but he has not been beaten like this.

This position makes her feel humiliated.

It was stiff on his lap for a while, her eyes were a little red, and her anger was followed.

"Isn't it just a few photos? How big is it? Luo Yibei, why do you treat me like this? Who do you think you are? You are abusing pregnant women!"

She is like a cat that has only been afflicted with fried hair. She climbs up from him and points to his nose. She is open to swearing. "Yes, I am not as noble as you, with stray cats outside. It seems to be everywhere, but no matter where it falls, no one has ever beaten me since I was young!"

When she was quiet, she was quiet like a crystal-clear porcelain doll, especially lovable.

It also has its own literary atmosphere. When you sit down, it is easy to make people feel good and quiet.

However, once it was provoked, it was like a wild cat. The body was full of suffocation, and it was like a hedgehog. The body was covered with thorns, and your blood was pulverized in minutes.

Now Fang Chi Xia, in the eyes of Luo Yibei, is like a shrewd street.

The body leaned against the back of the chair, and he looked at her with no expression, letting her finger, not arguing about her words.

"What do you care about when you have a group of children? How many ages are not comparable to those of you and me? What's so good? If you play, why? Because of this?"

She seems to be very angry, and she has said a lot. As long as she thinks about the slap in the palm of her hand, she will be in the heart.

Tun was so hot that she couldn’t seem to feel it, and she was all beaten because of this kind of thing.

Luo Yibei did not argue with her, and even did not explain for herself, just staring at her with a pair of cold scorpions.

His character is like this, no matter how you argue with him, noisy and serious, he will return to you, there will always be only a clear and cold eyes.

Like, I don’t bother to argue with you.

This way, he made Fang Chixia feel like he was hitting a cotton fist.

I personally criticized the complaint for a long time, but I didn’t even have one of his expressions.

Fang Chi Xia said and said, some discouraged.

Sitting back in the passenger seat, she suddenly quieted down.

Noisy with her, she has not had a fight.

"Is it still painful?" By the side, Luo Yibei’s cold and cold voice fainted.

Fang Chi Xia’s face is not out of the window, it’s irrational.

She is not arrogant with him, she really feels that her behavior is very humiliating.

How old is she? So what did she teach her?

Luo Yibei did not do anything too much like other men, and then began to talk sweetly.

Fang Chi Xia did not speak, he did not continue to care, and slowly continued to launch the car.

Going back this way, both people are silent.

Fang Chi Xia from beginning to end, his face has been looking out of the window, did not turn in his direction once.

The car was safely parked outside the Luojia Gate. Luo Yibei first got off the bus and walked a few steps forward. The footstep stopped and her eyes glanced behind her.

He was waiting for her, who knows, Fang Chixia got off the bus, didn't look at him, and went straight into the villa without squinting.

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