The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2334: Thousands of pets, bathing in love

The newborn child, the movement is very light and light, lazy, like feathers lightly brushed the skin, seeing Fang Chi Xia heart is soft.

Morning, morning...

She also felt that this nickname was particularly warm and vigorous, as if it had broken through the night after the night.

A hopeful name, thousands of pets, bathing love.

There are many people coming to Luo's family this time. Luo Yibei is not here, but unlike Xiao Yi, the birth of Xiao Chenxi, most of his loved ones are there.

Luo's children, although Luo Yibei is not around, but as long as the identity is justified, the honor to enjoy, Xiao Chenxi all enjoyed.

The couples of Luo Xi and Sha Zhixing stayed here for a long time, and they left after the full moon wine of Xiaochenyu was finished.

The full moon banquet in the morning was held very grandly. The friends held in the palace, the circle of friends of An Qi, and the network of Luojia Zongheng Shopping Mall have been invited for so many years. Few children have enjoyed such a great honor.

Yan Anqi always remembered to send Xiaochen’s gift, but this month she chose a lot and didn’t pick herself up. Finally, on the night of the full moon, she sent her a very meaningful jewelry box.

When Fang Chi Xia took the gift, he didn’t know what it was at first.

It’s the baby next to me, and I’m surprised to say, “Mom, you...”

She seems to want to say something, but the words to the lips, and held back the impulse.

"It doesn't matter, these things are also placed, and now Xiaochen is just wearing it." Yan Anqi smiled and opened the box.

Lying in the box is a very delicate anklet, and the platinum chain is fitted with a white diamond pendant. The short one should be worn by the child.

裴An Qi squatted down, lifted the ankle of Xiaochen, and gently put the chain up.

Xiaochen is a very delicate baby. It is very suitable for wearing this kind of thing. The skin is pink and tender. The anklet prepared by An Qiqi is like a natural custom for her, wearing her ankle, regardless of size or style. They are especially lining her.

Xiao Chen’s gift, in fact, as early as when she was still not born, Luo Yi’s size has already prepared a lot for her.

She actually does not lack anything, but, listening to the baby's tone, Fang Chixia knows that this anklet is definitely meaningful.

What is the child's treasure in An An's collection, only the sister of Yan Chengxi can think of in her head.

This should be Cheng Xi’s sister?

Not far away, Xi Yaheng just passed the wine glass.

Seeing the scene here, the steps at the foot stopped, and he couldn’t help but stare at Xiaochenyu and looked at him more.

What kind of magic does this mother and child have to make the family feel so special?

Xi Yaheng did not figure it out.

Xiao Chenxi seems to like the things that An Qiqi sent, gently swaying his feet, and it seems that he wants to lift up and show off with Fang Chixia.

Fang Chi Xia white gave her a look, especially to her.

Xiaochen returned to her with a squinting eye and smiled and raised her arms to Xiaoyi.

After her birth, Xiao Yi played her brother's strength to the maximum. Xiaochen was almost glued to him for almost half of the time.

Understand her meaning, he took her a few steps.

Xiao Chenxi seems to like him very much, and he smiles particularly brightly in his arms.

Fang Chijing stared quietly at the brothers and sisters for a while, and walked a few steps toward the child's face not far away. "Yan Yan, I ask you something!"

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