A month's child, still asleep, her words, Xiao Chenxi is certainly not understandable.

Fang Chi Xia does not care, and the hand holds the little morning light, and it is very serious.

I don't know if it is sensitive to her words. After she repeated it several times, Xiao Chen’s eyes closed and opened.

The beautiful eyes that look like glazed are staring at Fang Chixia for a while. She suddenly smiles at her lips.

This laugh, I saw people who stayed out all night, almost tears.

I laughed, should I be completely okay?

"We are awesome in the morning!" Fang Chi Xia kissed her little face.

Qing Muchen stood in the corner of the room by the window, quietly watching the mother and daughter here, thinking thoughtfully thinking about something.

Over the side, his gaze and the Shi Yanyang around him looked at each other.

Shi Yanyang seems to be a little bit stuck in this room, confirming that the morning health is healthy, he turned and left the room.

I don't know for what reason, he didn't stay in Y for a long time, and hurriedly decided to leave the ticket.

I also took the girl’s face away.

Xiao Yi’s birthday, Luo Xizhen and Sha Zhixing’s couple also came together. The two had stayed here for more than a month earlier. They did not stay much this time and left with Shi Yanyang.

Fang Chi Xia earlier came to the country of Y because of raising a baby. Now that the child was born, the Luo Xixi couple hurt two children. However, what surprised Fang Chixia was that when they returned to China, they did not mention it. With Fang Chi Xia, she wants to return to China together.

Such a couple, Fang Chixia feels a bit abnormal.

Is it because Luo Yibei is not there, is she free to live where she lives?

Fang Chi Xia couldn't understand the idea of ​​the couple.

In fact, she has always been worried about the affairs of Luo Yibei. No one in China has told her about what is happening in Luoyibei. Fang Chixia can't let it go.

In the palace, she continued to live for a while. When she was able to take it out for more than six months in the morning, she returned home with two children.

This is the first time she came back after leaving a year ago.

A whole year.

When I came back, the things I brought were very simple, a family of three and a servant, but nothing else.

Fang Chi Xia did not immediately inform the Sha Zhixing couple of their own return, but let the servant sort out the castle of the Luo Empire, with Xiao Chenxi and Xiao Yi live on the island where the castle is located.

The island was originally built by Luo Yibei for the city that promised her on the plane. Half of the island was later transformed into a children's amusement park, which was built for the small dawn that was not born before.

Xiaochen is now talking to Fang Chi Xia, but no one can understand it.

After coming here, she seemed very happy. When she was walking in by Fang Chixia, she was excited to wave her little arm. "Oh?"

She seems to want to say something, no matter how many months of the child's baby language, no one understands.

When she came in, she screamed in her mouth, and she was so happy that she kept on groaning.

However, Fang Chixia roughly guessed what she meant to express.

Xiaochen’s favorite toy from birth to the present is the little yellow duck that Luo Yibei sent her.

In this playground, ducks of this kind, all over the big house, are different in size and posture.

Here is the base camp of Xiaochenyu’s little yellow duck.

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