Xiaochen was listening to his words, not naughty in his arms, Luo Yibei let her drink porridge, she would drink porridge.

It is not an easy task to take care of such a small child in the morning.

The child is born by himself, and Fang Chixia has had a deep understanding of this point for so many months.

However, it is easy for Luo Yibei to take over these things, and it doesn't even need to be used for children.

Fang Chi Xia quietly stared at the father and the daughter for a while, lightly hanged his head and used his own meal.

She did not continue to leave the order, Luo Yibei to stay, she let him stay.

However, from beginning to end, she did not have a good face for him.

After using the meal, I cleaned up the table and simply went to the garden to trim the flowers and plants. After sitting in the garden chair with Xiao Yi, she gave Xiao Yi a lesson.

Xiao Yi is still in kindergarten now, and the school is very simple.

However, when I lived in the palace and Luojia, there were a lot of courses arranged by the family at home.

The five-year-old child was arranged for him in the geography history class.

Xiaoyi now has a lot of languages, mainly from small to large, living abroad for a lot of time, language learning a lot of doors, French, English, German are learning, and now many basic languages ​​have been learned.

Luo Yibei holding a small morning squatting in the distance between the two, and chatting with Xiaochen, from time to time will look at the direction of Fang Chi Xia.

The frequency of his side is a bit high, and it seems that he is somewhat dissatisfied.

The board is facing his face, and she screams twice, as if she is jealous.

Luo Yibei was a little speechless to her, and her hands screamed at her head, and her eyes turned to Fang Chi Xia.

Fang Chixia naturally knew that he was watching himself, but he ignored it.

Suddenly, when he did not exist, she continued to take care of herself.

"Baby, today we are going to learn the history of the Bourbon dynasty, a dynasty in France..." When she spoke to her children, she was whispering, not like facing Luo Yibei, always cold and cold.

One morning, her sight was not seen in the direction of Luo Yibei.

When the lunch time arrived, I went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

When entering the house, she passed by Luo Yibei, and she did not look in his direction. For example, he did not exist in her and her children's lives.

The small milk bag looked in the direction of the two people, watching Luo Yibei's eyes a little sympathy.

Luo Yibei ignored him, stood up, and hugged Xiaochen to come to him, put the morning light into his arms, and gently, "Baby, stay with my brother for a while!"

As he turned around, he strode in the direction of the kitchen.

When entering the house, Fang Chixia was picking ingredients.

She seems to be tangled at what noon should eat, a lot of ingredients have been chosen, but there is no choice.

"I like paella!" Luo Yibei gaze in her direction, faint advice.

Fang Chi Xia when he did not exist, did not hear his words, still holding ingredients to pick.

"There is also a vegetable soup!" Luo Yibei also began to order food regardless of her face.

Fang Chi Xia’s hand holding an onion was stiff.

"There is a better salad!" The voice of Luo Yibei came again.

Fang Chi Xia’s face was sunk.

"Hungry! Not too early, Miss Fang should not spend much time?" Luo Yibei gave her a look, leaning against the cooking table, staring at her.

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