She remembered that it seemed that someone saved her.

Who is saving her?

Fang Chi Xia carefully thought about it, however, it was not a little bit on the other's face.

At that time, she only looked at leaving the bar and didn't look back.

The accident happened for a couple of seconds, and she did not react slowly.

Fang Chixia only remembers when the explosion occurred, who was the bar she launched, and then she remembered nothing.

After rubbing her temples, she stared at the strange room again.

I don't know if the person who brought me here is an enemy or a friend. When I opened the bed and went out of bed, I wanted to leave before the other party did not appear. Outside the door, a footstep sounded suddenly at this time.

Fang Chi Xia slightly stunned, the steps under his feet stopped, and looked at the door at the door with vigilance.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and it seems to be coming to her room.

At the door of the room disappeared, the door was first and foremost, and three knocks were heard with respect and courtesy. No response was received, and the door was pushed open afterwards.

Standing outside the door was a doctor and a nurse, pushing a cart in his hand, which contained a variety of potions.

After seeing Fang Chi Xia after waking up, the two men groaned and the doctor greeted her first. "Miss, you woke up!"

Fang Chi Xia stared at the man with a glimpse of his eyes, his eyes faintly glanced at the cart in his hand.

Vigilantly staring at the label on the bottles, she "hmm".

The medicines that are advanced are all normal medicines such as glucose or nutrients.

"Since you wake up, these should not be needed!" The doctor turned the cart in his hand to the nurse next to him and walked over to her step by step. "I will help you check the injury!"

Fang Chi Xia stiff standing in the same place, his eyes moving along his footsteps, watching him getting closer and closer to himself, she stepped back two steps.

Did not accept his kindness, raised his face, and let the eyes of both of them flush, she asked blankly, "Where is this?"

"This is the mountain." The doctor answered the question.

"Why am I here?" Fang Chixia changed the way of asking questions.

"Because you were injured, my master saved you!" The doctor replied again.

"Who is your owner?" Fang Chixia asked.

"Sorry, Miss, the name of my master, can't be revealed without his own permission." The doctor lowered his head and respected him.

Fang Chi Xia Wei Wei.

So confidential?

"Miss, let me help you check the injury!" The doctor tried to go to her again, but was evaded by Fang Chixia.

"I'm fine, let me say thank you to your host." And he opened a distance, her eyes swept to the door, "just send me back!"

As she said, she was quietly observing the reaction of the other side.

The doctor seemed to be in a dilemma. He was kneeling in the same place and looked at the nurse. He did not know whether he should act according to her requirements.

Struggling for a while, finally made a decision.

The two left in a hurry, did not send her according to Fang Chixia's request, it seems to go to the doctor's mouth to report the situation.

The door was brought back by the backhand, and the room didn't know what lock was used. Fang Chixia tried to open it several times inside. However, it didn't open at all.

The doctors and nurses probably disappeared for ten minutes, and a footstep sounded again outside the door.

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