The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2417: In front of her face...

He was twisting his clothes, and one hand caught the corner of the suit pants and reached under the faucet, and kept washing.

Luo Yibei was a serious and clean person. He didn't know what was on his clothes. His expression was very disgusting, and he frowned and washed again and again.

The water in the bathroom was so screaming, the splashes were splashing around, and the crotch was so wet that it was a lot.

Fang Chi Xia did not know what happened. His eyes moved to his pants at an extremely slow speed and looked at the wet part of a raised part. Her face was a bit awkward.

"What are you doing?" He coughed and his eyes were faint, and she didn't see anything if she had nothing to do.

"Washing the trousers, can't you see?" Luo Yibei squatted several times. It didn't seem to achieve his ideal effect. His eyes swept over her face and suddenly she took her.

His strength is very arrogant, and he does not say anything.

Fang Chi Xia Chao was out of control, and the wolf fell into his arms.

"Luo Yibei, what are you doing?" In a panic, his hand clasped his waist, Fang Chixia fingertips twisted him.

"Help!" Luo Yibei straight up, the piece that was wet, and quite straight in front of her.

His movements are particularly direct. When you move, somewhere in the bulge, you will bounce along with the picture...

Fang Chi Xia Hao also married for a few years, however, seeing such a picture, it is inevitable.

"What's wrong with the trousers?" The face turned to him. She didn't immediately struggle, but asked casually.

"Good mornings!" Luo Yibei seems to be very annoyed, saying that he is filled with indignation.

Fang Chi Xia was smashed by him, and he did not control it for a while.

The corner of his eye squinted at him. "What did you do in the morning?"

Luo Yibei did not speak, just pointed at his crotch and signaled her to smell.

Fang Chixia felt that this picture was too sese and did not obey.

"Urine?" The corner of the eye squinted at him, she could only test the guess.

Luo Yibei stretched a handsome face and did not speak.

His silence is undoubtedly the default for the other pool.

Fang Chixia stared at him for a while, his lips were pumping, no sympathy, but there was a smooth feeling in his heart.

When Xiao Yi was born, he was not there.

When Chenxi was born, he was still absent.

The two children grew up so many days/days and nights, and he was not there.

What is the pants under the urine?

"Being a shackle for two children, this must be experienced!" Raised his head and squinted at his dark face, she reminded.

Luo Yibei was not the first to experience such a thing. As early as Xiao Yi, it has been many times!

He is actually not annoyed. However, in the face of so many people downstairs, the crotch is so wet that it is so up, which makes Luo Yibei particularly depressed.

The fingertips licked the temple, and he was too lazy to continue fighting with his pants. In the face of Fang Chixia, he simply took off.

He took it very straight, and the suit pants were followed by bullet underwear, and the movement was fast.

Fang Chixia didn't have time to remove his sight.

When the line of sight accidentally hit him, her face was a little hot.

"You rinse, I will help you find a clean one." Feel free to find an excuse, and as soon as she turned, she walked out.

When I came in again, Luo Yibei took a shower and rubbed the body.

Fang Chi Xia did not look at him positively, walked in a few steps, helped him put the clothes down and wanted to go -

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