The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2420: Back to the orphanage (2)

"When is it?" Luo Yibei snorted and looked at the traffic lights in front of him, and asked.

"I can't remember, before the age of eight." Fang Chixia turned back to him with a vague look, and his eyes turned to the window.

Luo Yibei didn't know what to think about today. When the green light in front was lit up, he suddenly said, "If there is nothing else, take me to the orphanage that grew up before!"

Fang Chi Xia glimpsed slightly, his back turned slowly toward his body. It seemed that some did not believe what he heard. "How do you think about going there?"

"Nothing, just suddenly thought." Luo Yibei did not explain anything to his sudden behavior, thin lips licked, faintly spit out two words, "Guide!"

Fang Chixia was unclear about his purpose. So he stared at him for a while, his eyes turned to the front and began to point him in the direction. "Do you know the sea that leads to Xishan? There is a very old orphan at the beach. The hospital, many years ago, the location is a bit hidden, first drive the car to the foot of the West Hill, and then followed my instructions."

Luo Yibei dropped the car and drove in the direction she said.

Arriving at the sea in her mouth, through the intricate paths, the two men wandered around the beach and turned around several turns, and finally parked outside an old Roman-style building.

This orphanage has indeed been on the ages, and the appearance of the building has been at least a hundred years old.

There is a large garden in the orphanage, the flowers and trees are very simple, they are all common, more pleasing white roses, endless summer and the like.

Fang Chi Xia first car, after coming to the door, and the staff of the goalkeeper simply explained the situation, like returning home, standing at the door and greeted Luo Yibei to go in together.

Luo Yibei stared quietly at the door and waved her arm. She glanced at it and slowly walked in.

"This is where I lived before." Fang Chixia walked in front and said to him while walking. "This garden was there as early as I was, but the flowers at that time were not. I planted it earlier. It’s all endless summer.”

Looking at him behind him, she snorted. "You shouldn't understand it with you. You don't see people like elegant people."

Luo Yi's north lip was slightly pumped, and his eyes were quietly looked at other places in the hospital.

“Is the popularity here so low?” He looked at him with irony.

He is ridiculing that the orphanage is too low, the equipment is too simple, the environment is too low, too far into his eyes, and even fewer orphans are adopted.

"I can't compare with your Rong Xi." Fang Chixia was speechless about his flowers. He walked a few steps forward and continued to introduce. "Look at the little attic over there, where I lived before." The place was still living with many children. I didn’t expect it to be still for so many years. Eight people have a room, they have to grab time when they take a shower at night, they have to sacrifice their sleep time when they are late, and they have two when they brush their teeth in the morning. Two individuals are on the wheel, have you experienced that kind of life?"

Fang Chixia is very evasive about her parents' affairs, but she has nothing to hide her life.

What was the past, she did not feel sad when she said it, and even calm when she mentioned it again.

Luo Yibei listened quietly from beginning to end without interruption.

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