The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2422: Back to the orphanage (4)

Looking away from a few people's faces, Luo Yibei stared at a few women for a while, took out a card and placed it on the table.

"Just need to meet my several requirements, this will be the sponsorship of this orphanage!"

A few people glimpsed a little, you look at me, I look at you, look down on your head, respectful attitude, "Luo Shaoye, what do you need us to help, please say straight."

Luo Yibei poured himself a cup of spring water, gently shook his finger at the tip of the teacup, snorted and his face slowly lifted.

Looking straight at a few people, he looked blank and said, "I will answer the truth first. No one has come to know my wife's past in these days."

Several women's backs were stiff and silent for a few seconds, and the answer was very tacit. "No!"

"Is it?" Luo Yibei's eyebrows picked and picked, and there was some surprise about this answer.

"Yes, Master Luo!" One of the women gave him a positive answer.

Luo Yibei pointed his finger at the teacup and his eyes sank.

He actually let Fang Chixia bring himself before, and he suspected that the person who went to Fangjia to know Fang Chixia’s past was aiming at her life.

If his guess is correct, then the other party should come here too.

If these people say that it is true, it means that the other party has not had time to come, or is his judgment a problem?

Luo Yibei secretly pondered for a while, not too much entanglement on this issue.

Looking at a few people again, he put forward his second request, "very good. Then, my second requirement is that if anyone comes here to investigate the background of my wife, I will bother you to seal it!"

"We will definitely!" Several people's attitudes are still very respectful, their heads are very low, and when they talk, their humble foreheads are almost on the coffee table.

"Is the past archives of Chihwa, is there still here? If there is, a few troubles will be handed over to me!" Luo Yibei looked faintly from several people and asked again.

A few women, look at me, I look at you, my head is lower. "Sorry, Master Luo, that was a long time ago. After the young lady left, the person in charge of the hospital changed several times. A lot of information has also been lost in the process of handover. At present, there are some materials stored in the courtyard, all of which have been in the past five years."

"Is there still a staff member in the hospital who was in contact with her in the summer?" Luo Yibei asked.

"No, it’s too long, some are old, have left, and some have gone abroad."

“Orphans who lived with her?”

"No, the children in the hospital are also a few years old, and they have not waited until they reach adulthood."

“Is the room she lived in before changed?”

"The building was over. The rule in the hospital is that basically every child will leave, and any information about her will be covered."

Luo Yibei asked a lot, but no matter what he asked, the answer he got was what Luo Yibei wanted.

Luo Yibei's hand holding the cup was tight, and the bones were pinched one by one and some white.

Silence for a while, the cup in his hand slammed into the coffee table, he could only give up.

After Fang Chi Xia left the courtyard, he drove a lot of places for the bottle of water in Luoyibei.

I bought something and it was already more than ten o'clock when I came back.

"Luo Yibei, I bought it!" When she entered the house, she was slightly excited.

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