The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2425: Life experience (1)

A few people in the orphanage, look at me, I look at you, and at first I didn't react to what he meant.

Until the other side will follow the piano music, and stare at the direction of Luo Yibei.

The orphanage person suddenly understood what he meant, and his head slammed down. "Yes, sir!"

"What have you asked?" The young man spoke again.

The people in the orphanage were silent for a moment.

A few women have been quiet for a long time, their heads are low, you look at me, I look at you, it seems to be pondering.

However, his eyes swept over a group of black men, looking at a serious dress and a gun in his hand, guessing that the identity of this group of people is not simple, a woman opened the mouth on behalf of the orphanage, "About Miss Fang Everything I used to live here!"

Very honest answer, the young man seems to be quite satisfied.

"such as?"

"Miss Fang’s past information has lived with staff and friends."

The young man sitting in the chair listened to her quietly, and the scorpion snorted.

He just started investigating, and Luo Yibei got it.

how? Even he thinks that Fang Chixia’s life experience has the value of investigation?

The man held one hand on his forehead, and tapped his fingertips against the arm of the chair. He secretly meditated for a while, and ordered the person in his hand to open a check to the orphanage and slowly stood up.

However, it did not leave immediately.

The eyes turned to the heads of several people standing in the row, staring at a few people for a few seconds, and he opened his mouth again. "If the Luojia people find it again, know how to answer it?"

His voice is not annoying, but there is always an indescribable power in the invisible tone.

Listening to him, the necks of several women in the orphanage were like being pinched by an invisible hand. It was difficult to breathe inexplicably.

His eyes were right with him, a few people were very scared of him, and his head sagged all over again. "Sir, we know!"

"It's best!" The young man briefly dropped four words and walked in front of the hall.

Outside the courtyard, Fang Chi Xia is still playing piano music for the children.

Luo Yibei did not see her doing this kind of thing, this time suddenly heard, unexpectedly found that she played the song, especially attractive.

So quietly sit on the window, the sun shines through the thin gauze, and the jump looks like her long hair, the quiet picture of the years, the beauty is heart-rending.

Luo Yibei stared at her for a long time, and saw that time had forgotten to move away.

When the two left the orphanage, they were already late.

Luo Yi went to the north and asked another time to investigate the life of Fang Chi Xia.

However, the reply I got was, no.

On the way back, Fang Chi Xia’s co-pilot was probably playing with the child for a day, and the head slanted leaning against the seat to sleepy.

She seemed to have forgotten where she was, her head hanging down, and finally fell directly on Luo Yibei's shoulder.

Luo Yi stared at her on the north side and stared at her quietly, contemplating the matter.

He did not know if the answer given to him by the orphanage was true.

However, if the fact is that he guessed, what is the meaning of her life experience?

Fang Chi Xia is still sleeping in a groggy way, his face and his close together.

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