The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2428: Life experience (4)

As for the final result, if it is not good, he can choose to hide her!

Luo Yibei's idea has been set, opened the door and went out, hurried down the stairs, did not say hello to Fang Chixia, leaving Luojia did not know where to go.

He walked in a hurry, and Fang Chi Xia was still playing downstairs with Xiaochen.

"Where?" Seeing his flashing figure, shouting at his back, wanting to ask about the situation.

However, the figure of Luo Yibei disappeared very quickly. He didn't seem to hear it. He walked out of the garden in a flash.

Outside the house, the sound of the car engine came.

He seems to have left.

Fang Chi Xia accompanied Xiao Chen to sit cross-legged on the ground, staring at him and staring in the direction of his departure. She frowned.

“What are you doing so urgently?”

Luo Yibei left Luojia and drove directly to Fangjia.

At this time, it has already passed at nine o'clock. Sudden visits have made the Fangjia people somewhat flattered.

Looking at him at the door, he was more scared.

The four people led by Fang Mingcheng stood in two rows at the entrance, and their heads were very low. "Lo, Luo Shaoye, what is your business?"

"Nothing, but Chi Xia said that something was forgotten here before. Now I miss it very much. Let me come over and help her get it." Luo Yibei did not explain too much, directly ordered the other city to order, "Lead the way!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Fang Mingcheng wiped the sweat on his forehead and sighed with a long sigh of relief and led him to Fang Chi Xia's room.

"Don't worry about me, what to do, go!" Luo Yibei faintly gave him a word, the backhand closed the door of the Fang Chi Xia room, and kept him out of the room.

Plug in the door bolts, sights one inch and one inch in every corner of the room, Luo Yibei step by step toward the direction of the drawer, opened a drawer.

He actually wants to see if there are any things left by Fang Chi’s summer years old, pictures of childhood, or anything like a token that can help investigate.

Fang Chi Xia’s room in Fang’s house is particularly simple, and the furniture in the room is very poor. She is not like many little girls. She likes to decorate the room with powder and tenderness, and the color is clean and the decoration is more clean.

There are very few things in the drawer, a few pens, a notebook earlier, a bunch of stars that are boring, a watch that looks old, and nothing else.

She doesn't like to take pictures like many girls. There are a lot of photos, her drawers, and even no photos.

Luo Yibei stared quietly at the things in the drawer for a while, saw what, picked it up and blinked, did not find anything special, and placed it back.

There is nothing to commemorate the meaning.

After staying in the room for a while, I wanted to leave without any gain. When I turned around, my eyes were cold and attracted by a plush doll on her bed.

It was a toy dog, the size of the butterfly dog, and the simulation was very realistic.

The doll seems to have been some years old. The white plush has been washed white and the eyes have lost the color of the ordinary doll. The whole toy looks old like a trash can and no one wants it. .

Luo Yibei stared quietly at the doll for a while, walked a few steps and picked up the toy dog.

When he left the house, he did not explain it. He left with a toy.

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