His face and her close together, breathing thin on the neck of Fang Chixia, the skin of Fang Chi Xia is a little hot.

Fang Chixia’s line of sight slowly moved down his body, staying in his place for a few seconds, lifting his head, watching the sway in his eyes, holding his hands behind her, her body going backwards. Moved it.

Her move just vacated more space for Luo Yibei.

Like a natural understanding of natural cultivation, Luo Yibei's body leaned forward and filled the gap she left.

Fang Chi Xia’s arms glared at his neck, without any temperament, and there was no desire to refuse to welcome him. His body was attached to him and his lips kissed him.

"Xiao Yi has become more and more arrogant recently. I think that the future heir of the Luo family industry is only one of him. Self-confidence is overshadowing him!" Luo Yibei’s lips kissed her, and thought about it. The milk bag once said unscrupulously before him, he smiled lightly.

"How come you?" Fang Chi Xia held his face with his nose, his nose pointed at him, and kissed him deeply and shallowly.

She is smart in other aspects, but the things between husband and wife, probably because most of the time is the reason for Luo Yibei's initiative, even if she has been married for several years, her skills are still very bad.

She is like a diligent and eager student, trying very hard to please him.

"I said," Luo Yibei stunned, and his eyes turned to her face, sticking to her ear. He sighed. "I don't mind adding him a younger brother."

Fang Chi Xia Wei, looked up and looked at him strangely, picked up his fist and beat his chest. "What?"

"Is there a problem?" Luo Yibei picked a brow.

"Don't!" Fang Chi Xia did not even hesitate, and refused categorically.

I have had two children, and I didn’t go very well when I was two times. She had a lot of pain in having children, and she had a deep understanding.

Besides, for her, one child and one woman is just right.

It’s enough to have Xiao Yi and Xiao Chen Yan.

She refused to be decisive and did not have the slightest heart.

The enthusiasm before, like being splashed by Luo Yibei, has eliminated a lot.

Standing up and wanting to leave, but was dragged back by Luo Yibei.

"Talk to a five-year-old boy, do you really take it?" She took her back and Luo Yibei covered her body again.

"Then you go get the stuff!" Fang Chi Xia's face did not open.

"Which thing?" Luo Yibei knows why.

"T~T!" Fang Chi Xia's face is very embarrassing, but the words are very straightforward.

The expression on Luo Yibei’s face was stiff.

He had thought about how to ridicule her words, and wanted her to be confused and confused.

Fang Chi Xia suddenly became so direct, but he was a little uncomfortable.

Luo Yi Bei Yin looked at her testly, and her mouth seemed to have eaten the flies. For a long time, she did not say a word.

"You go!" Fang Chixia pushed him again.

Luo Yibei was very helpless and could only open the drawer on the side of the bed.

In fact, he does not need to worry about this kind of thing.

From the first child to the second child, Fang Chixia did not seem to be happy at first.

After waiting for a long time, I figured it out, isn't it still born?

Even if it is not born at the time, it doesn't really matter much.

There is a small easy, there is a small morning, for him, it is enough.

His only regret is that two children, no one child, was born when he was born.

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