The little girl only liked this plush doll when he also liked it. He took a few steps back and watched him with vigilance. Both hands held the doll in his arms tightly.

"This is mine!" The sound of the milk is still very young.

She has a strong desire to maintain the doll, and she treats the doll as her own belongings.

"Uncle is so big, don't play this!" In order to eliminate her defense, Xi Yaheng took the initiative to open a little distance with her.

A handsome man seems to be more easily accepted wherever he goes.

The little girl stared at his face and the hand that protected the doll slowly loosened.

Xi Yaheng squatted at her two meters away, quietly staring at the toy in her hand and quietly looking over and over again, glimpsed a small trace of suture at the belly of the doll, his eyes were getting more and more heavy.

Did not continue to communicate with the little girl, stood up, his eyes turned directly to the child's mother.

Nothing is wrong, just handing a card to the woman. "This card, buy this, is it enough?"

His own clothes are extremely luxurious and unobtrusive, but the smooth cuts can be seen from the hands of international big names.

Even if the woman has never seen the world, the person who sees such a dress knows that her identity must not be tempted.

"Yaya, oh oh, this toy is not ours, can't, go back to my mother to buy you one again." Didn't dare to ask for his card, the woman took a child's sentence, took the doll in her hand, handed it to Xi Yaheng.

"Can you answer me a question?" Xi Yaheng was satisfied with the doll, and the fortitude of the face curve reflected a cold.

"Sir, please, please." The woman hangs her head very low.

When Qi Yaheng’s lips were hooked up, the face was expressionless, “Tell me the origin of this doll!”

The woman took the wording and pointed to the front and said, "A garbage acquisition office is not far away."

The place where several people are located is a large residential area, surrounded by many people, communities, villas, and manors.

She didn't know the Luo family. She didn't know where the servant took the things.

She can only tell the other person what she knows. Others say she is afraid of making mistakes. She chooses to be silent.

"I know, you can go." Si Yaheng turned his back and looked at the doll in his hand. He stared at the fluffy belly of the dog and looked at the suture on the fingertips. Pulled open.

The stuffy toy is filled with a sponge-like object wrapped in a pile of sponges and a small, particularly delicate crown.

The size of the finger looks like the hair accessory on the head of the Barbie doll that the little girl often plays.

The crown is very beautifully designed, not as inferior as the dolls bought in the general mall, made of platinum and diamonds.

Probably because the owner was too favored about the crown, afraid of losing it, so it was directly sewn in the belly of the toy.

The crown itself is too small and too small, and the sponge is inflated. Perhaps for this reason, the crown has not been found in the doll for so many years.

Xi Yaheng stared at the small crown of the palm of his hand and stared quietly. The body seemed to be infused with a strong current, and it was stiff and motionless.

This crown, at a very small time, when he witnessed the birthday of Yun Yunhe, Qi Chengxi handed it to the hands of Yun Yunxi as a gift!

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