The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2448: Lying down, don't move

Unexpectedly, tonight's Luo Yibei is particularly good to talk.

With a loose arm, he really let her go.

Fang Chi Xia Fox stared at him and looked at him, still a little alert to him.

However, she did not seem to have any other movements, she sighed.

"Let's not move, wait for me!" Comforting the child comforted him, stood up and wanted to go to the bathroom, when the bed was retracted, Luo Yibei's arms suddenly came back and passed her waist. She took her up and hugged her.

Fang Chi Xia glimpsed a little, kicked off the slippers on his feet, and his arms glared reflexively around his neck.

"What's wrong?" Her head lifted her head and her eyes ran into it.

"I am too troublesome to go, I am with you!" Luo Yibei faintly returned to her, from the door to the road, the people who are not sure about the road, this time is unusually sober.

Even with her, his footsteps were steady and not shaking.

Fang Chixia knew that he was not drunk, but he didn't know that he didn't have any alcohol at all.

I stared at him for a moment, thinking about coming in. He was tossing her. She was a little angry. "You just deliberately teased me?"

"Is there? What have I done?" Luo Yibei suddenly had indirect amnesia, turned and forgot what he had just done, and his face did not change.

Fang Chi Xia was not fooled by him for a time or two. He blinked him for a while, and did not continue to entangle with him on this issue.

However, when she entered the bathroom, she still had a little thought.

When Luo Yibei put water in the bathtub and put her head in the top of the head, he glanced at him. Fang Chi Xia suddenly waved at him.

"What's wrong?" Luo Yi was half-bent in the north and smiled extremely tenderly at her.

Fang Chi Xia did not answer his words, his eyes slowly descended along his face, staying at his neckline, she suddenly propped up, one hand grabbed the collar of his shirt, and then pulled a hand -

Luo Yibei stood outside the bathtub, unable to prevent an action, let him passively followed her into the bathtub, and the tall body fell straight into the water.

"The floor tonight is a little slippery!" Fang Chixia clap his hands and feel like he has never done anything. He stood up and stepped out of the bathtub.

"It's okay!" Luo Yibei is not angry, even if he is not wet.

However, when Fang Chixia was ready to go out, he suddenly had a long leg and a leg, which hooked her down. One arm said that she would soon take her waist and prevent her from falling on the floor. When Chi Xia had not reacted, his hand suddenly buckled her ankle and then forced it around -

Fang Chi Xia was born and dragged to the edge of the bathtub!

Fang Chi Xia Xiumei screwed and was very annoyed at his behavior.

"Luo Yibei, you are too much!" Over the head, wanting to rush to him, just had an impulse, Luo Yibei is happy to see it, open arms, waiting for her action, take her initiative into her arms .

His movements were very quick and quickly went to the time when Fang Chi Xia did not even respond.

Two warm bodies collided, and he seemed to enjoy the atmosphere at the moment, and his arms tightened her.

Fang Chi Xia was angry and annoyed with him, but he was helpless.

"Don't try to touch the egg with the egg." Luo Yibei gaze into her face, reminding her to face reality.

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