The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2458: Hooking the small waist

Fang Chi Xia is very beautiful tonight, and he is very experienced in design. When he talks, he has a special style.

However, Luo Yibei's gaze is staring at her little waist from beginning to end.

The dress she wore today is very self-cultivating. It is obvious that the child has already had two births. However, probably because of the young relationship, the repair is very good. The waist is as fine as the time of the seventeen-eight-year-old, and there is no meat in the half. Hook / soul.

Luo Yibei admired her back with impunity, her eyes were like sticking to her, and she did not move away.

Occasionally, when the side of the pool was looking over him in the summer, the eyes of two people ran into it. He used her eyes to pass her several times to leave. However, it was directly ignored by Fang Chixia.

Fang Chi Xia has not returned to work in the long-term, and so many senior designers are present tonight, she does not want to leave so soon.

She needs to improve her abilities and also needs to understand the current trends in the design industry.

Luo Yibei was a bit boring, and the last person was so depressed that he drank a cocktail.

Xi Yaheng’s status is honorable. After he appeared, he surrounded several key members and kept talking about what he was talking about.

He and Fang Chi Xia stood a little close, holding a cocktail in his hand and squinting, his eyes gazing, seemingly listening to the people around him, but his eyes went from time to time.

He had a good time in the other side of the pool, and Luo Yibei was particularly rude to this.

As soon as he saw Xi Yaheng's gaze looking toward Fang Chixia, he instinctively became a man's possessive.

His eyes glanced at Xi Yaheng coolly. He didn't stand up in a sigh of relief. He walked toward Fang Chixia a few steps, took off his suit jacket and wrapped it on her body, and whether she was still communicating with others, kneeling. She strode to the party outside the party. "It’s not too early, it’s time to go back!"

"I am not good yet! You should go to the side and wait!" Fang Chi Xia was not happy, and the body struggled in his arms.

"There are still many opportunities for this change, and I will accompany you next time." Luo Yibei took her halfway and walked straight out, the door opened, and she pushed her into the car.

Did not make any stop at the scene, the throttle under the foot slammed, his rut ​​left the party scene.

The two came here for the company's business, did not say hello to the baby, live directly in the hotel.

Rong Xi had inspected the jewelry market of Y country a few years ago. He has been planning to open a branch here. There should be a lot of opportunities in the future.

Luo Yi drove in the north, while thinking about whether or not to buy a villa here to prepare for occasional visits.

"Chi Xia, do you want to add a home here?" The proposal just said, Fang Chixia did not know what the plot was for Y, and he agreed without hesitation. "Okay, I think it is quite good here."

Luo Yi north side, staring at her strangely for a few seconds, his face stretched.

What is good?

Can I see Xi Yaheng, who has nothing to offer, from time to time?

Luo Yibei is actually very clear that Fang Chixia’s idea is definitely not the case. However, considering the eyes of Gang Xiheng, he is easy to think in the direction.

Fang Chi Xia saw his eyes are not right, no need to guess and know where he thought of.

“Isn’t Xiaoyi and Dawn grow up here? Occasionally come here to live, bring two children back and gather with the baby’s family, isn’t it good?” Fang Chixia stared at him and looked at it. .

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