The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2464: No need to take care of me

"Besides happening, do you think there may be a second reason?" The man's face turned to her side and did not answer.

Fang Chi Xia was asked by a word in his sentence, and for a while he did not know how to answer it.

Yes, except for a person who is completely stranger to himself, can he still protect her at any time?

Just why did he save her twice?

Fang Chi Xia Jiao's eyes slanted to her, staring at his face and looking at it. She condensed all the expressions on her face and asked very seriously. "Why save me?"

The man seems to think that her problem is a bit ridiculous.

The lips and corners involved a mockery, and he replied with an understatement. "See you poor."

He replied quite directly, and even let Fang Chi Xia speechless.

The man snorted with a silver pistol in his hand. "Do you think that this kind of person should be a murderer who is blind, cold, bloody, and has no sympathy?"

Fang Chixia actually thought so, but when he asked him so directly, she suddenly did not know how to answer.

The man's gaze squinted at her. Under the moonlight, the silver mask reflected a faint glow. He slammed the lips and then slowly spit out, "In fact, I am such a person!"

"Is it?" Fang Chi Xia sank and breathed, lifted his chin and calmly retorted, "You are not!"

There is no wave of innocence, facing a man who is completely stranger to himself, she does not know where she is confident to say such things.

The man seems to be a little surprised, for a while, then, "Why do you say that?"

"Intuition." Fang Chi Xia faintly returned to him, still confident in his face.

She believes in her instincts, at least, so far, her intuition has not been missed.

The wind at the seaside passed by, picking up a few strands of hair on her side, gently and softly against the face floating, like the ripples on the lake, the silk warm.

The man stared at her for a moment of disappointment, and there was a shallow, imperceptible warmth in his eyes.

"It’s not too early, it’s time to go back. There should be no other cars here, let’s go together!” Fang Chixia stood up and licked his skirt, trying to sit next to the parked car, behind him. A few quick footsteps suddenly came.

I haven't waited for Fang Chi Xia to return to God, and a gunshot sounded in the ear.

Just a few men, looking for it!

Fang Chixia's face changed and did not respond. The man around her suddenly took her wrist and took her to the villa area on the beach.

"follow me!"

His footsteps were fast and his legs were long. Fang Chi Xia was completely passively dragged by him.

There were a few distances between the men and the two men who followed, and the road cars that the two had taken could not pass, and the people behind them were also chasing them with their legs.

Fang Chi Xia’s heartbeat is very fast, and he’s so nervous that he’s going to jump out.

Fortunately, the man who is carrying her runs very fast. He seems to be familiar with the neighborhood. The route that takes her is all the path.

Wandering around, let a group of people chasing after him estimate the direction.

It was already autumn, and the wind at night was very cold. However, Fang Chi Xia was running out of breath.

"I can't run, you don't care about me!" The wrist wanted to be pulled out of his hand, but the man seemed to be very tight, tried it, didn't pull it out.

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