The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2484: If she is not there one day

Fang Chi Xia took his wallet and looked at his face. She was actually worried that the two would fight in a word.

However, thinking about the gentleness of the last half of last night, Luo Yibei, she thought it should be impossible.

Now Fasino has no threat to Luo Yibei. What are the two people making trouble?

Fang Chi Xia put down the small supermarket to buy water.

Luo Yibei eyes sent her figure to leave, sideways to the eye of the hole in the distance, the wave in the hand, the ball at the foot rolled out, and accurately fell into the hole.

His technique has been very good, basically no mistakes.

Fesno was similar to him, and after his swing, he waved his club.

It is also a hole in the hole!

Luo Yibei looked at his movements and patted his hand. "Not bad."

"You too." Fisino's hand was handed over to the caddy next to him, his face slowly rising.

The two men’s eyes are still strong, but they don’t know when to start, and they’re less arrogant.

Luo Yibei and him, in fact, have always been their own appreciation.

It was only when the two men had a square pool summer, and the man’s natural struggle for the two could not be so calm and stand together.

Luo Yibei and he looked at it for a while, and his eyes closed.

"How come you suddenly think about going back here?" He raised his club and he played the ball again.

"It doesn't matter to her." Fasno replied simply.

"Yes? What about leaving?" Luo Yibei waved out and asked again.

Fasino is preparing to take over the club's hand stiff.

Luo Yibei did not look in his direction, still playing and playing.

His words were casual, and what he didn't know was that he really guessed it.

Fesno did not come because of Fang Chi Xia, but it was because she stayed.

Not far away, Fang Chi Xia’s figure walked over to this side, while walking and staring at the shopping bag in his hand.

Fasino looked at her in the direction, staring at her for a few seconds, and when Fang Chi Xia was approaching, he was cold and reminded, "Intensify the protection for her! Don't be alone." Regretful!"

His words are not very clear, but the IQ of Luo Yibei definitely guessed that something always happened and he would say such a thing.

"Speak clearly!" Luo Yibei squatted for a while, want to ask specific, however, Fang Chixia has come over.

Fasino didn't seem to want her to know this, and her face quickly returned to calm and waveless.

"What's so good to buy, let me see!" A hand grabbed the bag in her hand, and Fasino ran in and turned over.

"What are you talking about?" Fang Chixia took out the bottle of pure water for him.

"The man's problem." Fasino concealed her back, screwed the bottle cap and poured a few mouthfuls of water, and continued to play his own ball.

Luo Yibei was still shocked in his words, looked at him, his eyes turned to Fang Chi Xia's face, and he hadn't returned to God for a long time.

After the entertainment, he had no mood, and his eyes turned around Fang Chi Xia.

On the way back, he seems to be in a state of mind.

The car was driving open, and the eyes looked at Fang Chi Xia from time to time.

Fang Chixia felt that his eyes were a bit wrong. He looked at him with a sneak peek at him. "What happened?"

"Nothing." Luo Yibei returned to God, and if nothing happened, he continued to drive his own car.

Just, it’s open and reminds me of Fasno’s reminder.

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