The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2494: You are a bad heart.

Luo squatting, the gray scorpion quietly staring at her, watching her eyes softer than before. "Tonight, have a heart!"

"Too grandfather, you are polite. This is just my job." Fang Chixia gently pulled the corner of his mouth.

"Well, keep going!" Luo Xiao smiled and waved at her.

"Good!" Fang Chixia continued to communicate with the staff with the program schedule.

Just, it’s been a few minutes of being busy, and I’m being disturbed again by Luo Wei. “Hey!”

Fang Chi Xia Wei, looking at him sideways, the work in his hand stopped again.

"Too grandfather, you have something to say."

Luo Yan took a serious look at her for a while, thinking about the problem she had just discovered. He tried to ask, "Do you want to kiss someone?"

Fang Chi Xia stunned, and did not respond to him for a moment, why did he suddenly mention this.

The lips are slightly pulled, her voice is faint. "Too grandfather, it has been so many years, I didn't want to. I am your birthday party. It is your home. Today, all the guests and programs are arranged for you. On such a day, just talk to you."

Luo Wei was a little helpless and did not continue to say more.

This kind of thing is not what he should intervene. If Fang Chixia is looking for his family, Luo Yibei may have helped her to get things done.

"If Grandpa doesn't have anything else, I will continue to be busy." Fang Chi Xia saw that he didn't talk any more, and he continued to get busy with his hands.

There are a lot of links tonight, and she hasn’t stopped since she was busy.

Yan Chengxi and the baby also came tonight, representing the entire palace.

Xiao Yi originally had a chance to come to An Qi, but only because of Cheng Chengxi’s representative, Yan Anqi did not come.

Too many guests tonight, Xiao Yi and Xiao Chenxi are always surrounded by people, not idle.

The most leisurely person in the whole dinner is Luo Yibei, and his son and daughter are brought by others. Luo Xi, Sha Sha, and the baby are all in charge. There is someone responsible for socializing. It seems that he does not need him. He spends all his time. I stared at Fang Chi Xia.

Looking at Luo Yan walking toward it, watching the two exchanges, just did not hear clearly what the two said.

After Luo Yi left, Luo Yi went to Fang Chi Xia in a few steps.

After she was still busy pulling her to a big tree, she leaned against her heavy trunk and his face tilted in the direction of her. "What did Grandpa just talk to you?"

"No, I just sneaked a few words." Fang Chixia did not reassure Luo Yan.

"Is it?" Luo Yibei eyebrows picked.

"Really." Fang Chixia looked over the shoulders of his guests and looked at the scene where the guests gathered. His eyes turned to him and he was against his body. "What are you doing?"

Luo Yi held her arms on her shoulders and faintly returned to her. "Nothing, just watching you busy all night, I want you to rest."

"Resting to the banquet scene to find a sofa to sit!" Fang Chixia poked his shoulder.

"I don't want to." Luo Yibei refused.

Fang Chixia looked at the black lacquer behind the two people like a grove in the scam, and Xiumei picked it up.

"It's too noisy outside!" Luo Yibei gave her a reason.

“Is it?” Fang Chi’s summer lip was slightly pumped.

Tonight's banquet, she was very stylish, and the guests she attended were also very high. There were not many people talking loudly. In fact, the scene was not noisy at all.

His heart, she is not difficult to guess.

Noisy is fake, is he not trying?

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