Cool a face, he turned around, walked in front, left first.

Xiao Yi wants to continue to let Xiao Ji wake up, but he stands behind a square pool summer, and he suddenly feels at a loss.

A person who had a clear understanding of the rescue measures before, the second speed became a child who was overwhelmed by the accident.

At the right time, Xiao Jiu, who was lying on the ground, suddenly moved his eyes.

Xiao Yi stared at her for two seconds, reflexively wanting to lift her face, however, it was a step late.

When he was just impulsive, Xiao Jiu’s eyes opened up!

Staring at his close face for a few seconds, I don’t know if there are too many people around, sultry, or something else. Xiaojiu’s pale face is suddenly reddish...

Xiao Yi is a bit awkward. However, if he says it, he will still be vicious. "It’s stupid! I can't swim!"

He said that he was particularly disgusted, as if he had forgotten that the age of Xiaojiu was not great at all, and he still said that he was not so smooth.

Her child of this age can't swim, what is normal?

Xiaojiu clearly understood his swearing words and his face was stiff.

She is also young, but when she is swearing, there is a kind of sharpness in the eyes that does not lose adulthood.

The air suddenly seemed to have burned the gunpowder, and it was nervously unconsciously.

Fang Chi Xia was afraid that two children would make trouble, and bent down and smiled to help Xiao Ji check the situation. "Ninety-nine, is there any uncomfortable? Let the aunt see!"

Supporting Xiaoji on the ground, Fang Chixia took a serious look at her and determined that there was no big problem. She took her little hand and led her to the party. "Ninety-nine is not easy to count, Xiaozi This is a virtue!"

Xiao Yi was innocent and lying on the gun, and the lips were very disgusting.

"Luo Xiaoyi, you keep up!" Fang Chi Xia overtook his head and gave him a serious reminder.

She rarely calls it Xiao Yi, and the volume is still a bit high.

Xiao Yi’s cold face was stretched tighter.

When he walked behind the two, he was somewhat reluctant and his face was always stinky.

Fang Chixia walked in front of the scene and took Xiaojiu back to the banquet scene. Suddenly he turned his eyes to Xiaoyi behind him. "Mummy has to help other things, and I will give you the things to change clothes on the floor." ""

"Why is it me?" Xiao Yi contradicted.

"Because..." Fang Chi Xia Dunton’s voice, his eyes turned to his face, and he spit out a word, "Things are you doing it!"

Xiao Yi, "..."

Fang Chi Xia changed his seriousness in front of him. He crouched down in front of Xiao Jiu and licked her wet hair and smiled at her. "Jiujiu, the little brother took you to change the clothes, is it good? Be careful. I will catch a cold!"

"Okay." Unexpectedly, Xiao Jiu was particularly well-behaved in front of Fang Chi Xia.

Xiao Yi had expected her to refuse Fang Chi Xia very much. She did not expect her to promise so simply.

When she saw her nod, Xiao Yi felt a pain.

"Nine-nine promised, hey, handed it to you!" Fang Chixia handed Xiao Ji's hand to Xiao Yi's hand. "Take the sister's room, my sister has a lot of big clothes to wear." ""

Xiao Yi, "..."

Fang Chi Xia also did not agree, he did not agree, and he left as soon as he turned.

Xiaoyi stood in the same place and looked at Xiaojiu, who seemed to have not been weaned. The mood suddenly became a bit violent.

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