The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2537: Where are you, I can find (1)

The two simply ate a working meal outside and returned to Rong Xi.

It will start in a few days after the release of the new product. Fang Chixia has been busy with the final modification of the advertisement and the layout of the venue.

Every detail of the whole conference was designed by her, and she participated in all the links, even the site survey and layout.

This venue, she designed very innovative.

At the scene, she planned to use a variety of lights to create the feeling of a blue ocean.

In order to ensure that there were no accidents on the day of the conference, she went to check several times when the venue was built.

In the afternoon, Fang Chi Xia also went to the company after returning to the company.

There are a lot of lights on the scene, the theme is blue, deep blue, creating the effect of sea water fluctuations.

There are still three days from the press conference, and the lighting on the scene has not been fully created, only part of it.

After Fang Chi Xia went to the lighting division, he checked the other facilities on the site, and an afternoon passed.

She stayed at the venue for a long time and had not left at eight in the evening.

Luo Yibei waited for her in the company for a while, did not wait for people, drove to the banquet scene.

Upon arrival, the scene was just in the line of light detection.

There were a lot of staff on the scene, and they were busy in work clothes.

Fang Chi Xia, who was checking the facilities around, saw him appearing suddenly, and he greeted him far away. "You are here!"

"Yeah!" Luo Yibei lightly responded to her, and opened her legs to go to her. The scene did not know how, suddenly slammed, followed, all the lights, all the annihilation.

The venue was very large, the lights went out, there was no light coming from nearby, and the whole scene was in the dark.

Around, a few seconds of silence.

"What happened?"

"Check the line!"

There were a lot of staff on the scene, and the ability to respond was also fast. After the accident, only a few seconds of staying, everyone was busy.

For a time, the scenes and footsteps flowing through the scene continued.

The current venue has not been fully built, and there is not much difference between the site and the construction site. There are many kinds of materials stacked on the ground.

Fang Chi Xia groped for wanting to go out, his legs just opened, and he didn’t know what was being smashed under his feet -

"Hey!" He was about to fall when he saw it. The hand that stretched out was picked up by a cool hand.

A well-defined hand with long fingers and a root like a jade. The temperature at the fingertips is slightly cold, like the first cold air that blows into the room in the early morning.

In the night wind, the aroma of orange blossoms fainted, and it was as fresh as the raindrops that suddenly landed in the summer.

Too familiar with the taste, let Fang Chi Xia smashed, and the hand held the other hand back.

The man holding her hand took advantage of her wrist and pulled her into her arms, holding her arms.

"Is it okay?" In the darkness, his voice was as good as ever.

Intoxicating is like a sweet and fragrant cocktail, just listening, it makes people's heart beat faster.

"How did you get over?" Fang Chixia stabilized himself with his support, and his arms naturally held him.

Before the light went out, his distance from her clearly seemed to be at least ten meters.

"Legs!" Luo Yibei playful teasing.

"How do you know it was me?"

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