The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2541: Two pools in summer

The number of places invited by the conference was close to 1,000.

The site is very large and divided into two entrances.

Fang Chi Xia and Luo Yibei left and right and stood at the two entrances to chat with the guests.

On the stage, the dark blue light, the faint glow of the sea.

The beam refracted through a corner and adorned the entire conference as a grand ocean feast.

There are still fifteen minutes from the press conference.

The guests who entered the room slowly got more.

Those who attended tonight were personally invited by Fang Chixia and entered the scene with an invitation letter.

In order to prevent the guests from carrying the entourage, she prepared an extra 200 chairs.

On the display stage, the host has gone.

“Thank you all the old and new friends, and thank all the media friends for attending this new product launch conference. Just like every previous conference of Rongxi, our new product release tonight is still the first show. The form of the post auction..."

The clear sound spread slowly from the stage, and the scene was heard all the time.

The voice of the host was behind, and the scene repeatedly played Fang Chixia's new work designed for this new product release.

Very elegant and retro series of jewels, the background music is a very old but very charming English song, I-Am-Right-Here, Can-You-Feel?

The violin is like a hoarse and magnetic sound, repeated on the scene...

The baby is part of this family, and after taking the admission, he is also helping to receive guests.

Guided the guests to sit down one by one, when they want to meet the next batch, the body is cold and the figure is hit.

"Hey!" The baby whispered, and because Cheng Chengxi stabilized himself, he just wanted to apologize to the other party, raised his face and saw the person he had hit. She did not export and then took it back.

"Chi Xia, it's you! Is your brother busy? After you're done, let's take a rest! Give it to me!" He waved his hand to the other side, and the baby didn't think much. He continued to chat with the guests. .

The woman’s head that she had hit was a little low, and she didn’t say anything, and she left her head.

In another corner of the scene, Fang Chi Xia back was answering the phone at the showcase.

裴An Qi called.

"Chi Xia, I can't come to this conference. I just returned home. There are still many things to deal with in China. I let Cheng Xi come. I wish the conference a complete success!"

"Thank you, madam."

"Now should I be very busy? I will not bother, I have time, I have to design a set of jewelry for me?"

"Mrs. likes to be my honor."

"That's it."

The two men spoke in a few words and the phone hangs up.

Luo Yi North stood at the entrance of the tens of meters away, and his eyes looked quietly in the direction of Fang Chi Xia.

Fang Chi Xia probably noticed the line of sight that he projected. He turned his head and looked at him. She bent her lips.

Luo Yibei coveted her mobile phone and sent her a newsletter. "After the end, I immediately retreat!"

"Good." Fang Chixia returned to him.

Luo Yibei quickly replied, "directly to the southern hemisphere."

"Okay." Fangchi Xia's lips and corners were slightly higher.

Just after a message was sent, Luo Yibei quickly replied immediately. "I have arranged the planes. The morning servants and Xiaoyi will send the servants at home before the end of the conference."

"You can arrange it." Fang Chixia's fingertips moved quickly on the screen of the mobile phone, and the information was returned to the past.

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