Y country, Prince of the House.

Heyman received a call in the afternoon and called during lunch break.

Anyone who knows him knows that he has a habit of lunch, usually from 12:30 to 2 o'clock. Unless there is an emergency, no one will dare to call.

The phone rang a few times, and it seemed that something was important.

Hayman stared at the screen and took the phone.


"Our people came to the news, the cruise ship leading to Sicily, the whole ship sank, saying that it was halfway to meet people to intercept!"

"What do I want?"

"The whereabouts are unknown."


Hayman’s hand holding the phone was tight, and his face immediately cooled down...


Luo Yibei has been a bit strange recently. As long as he does not go abroad, he will not miss the man who works for one day without any reason. In the past few days, he has not gone to Rongxi every day.

He has been with Xiao Yi and Xiao Chenxi at home recently, and he has been with two children for almost twenty-four hours. The brothers and sisters almost never left his sight.

I don’t know how to do it recently. He always likes to stare at Fang Chi Xia and Yan Chengxi.

Sometimes sitting and sitting at home, my eyes drifted over to the two.

"What's wrong?" Fang Chi Xia was inexplicably seen by her, her lips were slightly involved, and she smiled a little uncomfortable.

"Nothing." Luo Yibei did not explain anything about his behavior. He held Xiaoyi in one hand and led Xiaochen in one hand, leading the two children to walk in front of Luo's home.

"Cheng Xi, if you are empty today, accompany me with two children to go for a walk."

He Chengxi only agreed that he could not cope with two of them.

The two men walked out of the Luojia gate in tandem.

The place where the morning light and the small easy to go in the Luoyi North area is the children's paradise that the Luo Empire built for Xiaochen.

The amusement park that Dawn is currently able to play is only here.

"Why don't you call the pool summer together?" Yan Chengxi followed him on the island and stared at the surroundings while looking down.

"It's not bad."

"Isn't the pool summer not physically uncomfortable?" Luo Yibei faintly returned to him, and he talked to himself and Chen Hao. "Baby, do you like it here?"

His words are purely sloppy.

Fang Chixia was not uncomfortable at the end of the night.

However, Yan Chengxi did not know.

Yan Chengxi believes that it is true.

Followed him and went a little further, went to the gate of the castle, looked at the empty manor that had no popularity at all, and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"I said, why don't you call your baby?"

“What do you call your baby?” Luo Yi asked on the north side.

Yan Chengxi gave him a look, and the yin and yang sighed back. "How? You are here with me, two big men, three meals today?"

Luo Yibei was stunned by his words, and the strangeness swept him. The phone dialed the phone of the domestic servant.

Having explained two sentences, he walked in front of the manor castle.

Let Xiaoyi go to the Rose Garden with Xiaochen, and take a seat in the lounge chair and stare at the photo in his mobile wallet. If he has nothing to do with the other person, "Yes, Yunxi has news." No?"

"not yet."

"Yes? Want me to help?"

"You have a leisure time?" Yan Chengxi was a little surprised.

"Speaking of features!" Without paying attention to his words, Luo Yibei asked straightforwardly.

Yan Chengxi gaze at the Xiaoyi brothers and sisters who were sitting on the grass in the distance. After a moment of silence, he slowly told him about it.

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