The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2575: I want to do a lot to you, (3)

He always likes to stare at her recently. When dining, his eyes stop on her face and have not been removed. This is the case on the plane, even sleeping.

The reason, Fang Chi Xia did not know.

His eyes were not hot, even without any sparks, just looking at her like he was thinking about something.

Fang Chi Xia sleeps very shallowly, sleeps asleep, feels the breath of the side, and the eyes suddenly open.

"How have you not slept yet?" She looked at him standing by the bed, and she groaned.

"Look at you." Luo Yibei leaned down, arms on both sides of her body, straight white tone, like a very tune.

"I have been watching for so many years, not tired?" Fang Chixia's body took advantage of his neck and faint smile.

"Not greasy." Luo Yi Bei Jun's face tends to her, her lips squat on the white skin of her neck, and her nose is next to her. "My wife, how to look tired."

He is not a person who can speak love words. All the words that have been said to be the most beautiful are all natural and deep out of the mouth, and will not make people feel tired.

Suddenly, such a sentence, let Fang Chi Xia smashed, lips and smiles deeper.

"Are you infected by these days?" She was teasing that he was not like the poison tongue of the past, and suddenly changed his mind to be so good.

"Who was infected?" Luo Yibei glanced at her and gnawed her.

"No, I will talk about it casually, hey, don't bite!" Fang Chixia was busy changing his mouth, his head hiding under him, his arms crossed between himself and him, preventing his movements and popping up a sentence. "Do you have anything to tell me?"

Luo Yibei slightly glimpsed, the action apparently paused, watching her eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

He always knew that she was thoughtful, but he was a little surprised when he only guessed his thoughts in one's heart.

"Is it?" Fang Chi turned his head to the side of the summer and stared at him again.

"What is it?" Luo Yibei pushed her nightdress in an unreasonable manner, and the fingertips played slowly on her body, and the voice was lazy.

Fang Chi Xia, what do he want to say?

"Do you have any words to tell me?" In a different way, I want to continue to ask, Luo Yi North's hand, the direction suddenly moved down, slowly transferred to her lower abdomen.

Fang Chi Xia is a touch of electricity, the body smashed / smashed down, and the "drop" of the sound.

"You answer me!" The arm pushed him a few times, her breath was a little unstable.

"No." Luo Yibei simply returned her words, lifted her eyes, and glanced at her in a dark circle. He breathed a tight, hoarsely added a sentence, "Think of what you are doing to you." It’s quite a lot!”

As the tone of the past, Fang Chi Xia has been familiar with it for seven years.

Luo Yibei-style flirting, clearly discussing the most love. The color of things, but, on the contrary, from such a mouth to say such words, but there is no color, affection.

Fang Chi Xia's face was a little hot, and he was breathing more and he was hotter.

She was a little uncomfortable and her body moved uncomfortably under him. "I said something right!"

"I also said something right!" Luo Yibei leaned over, lips stuck to her ear, gently sighed, a serious sentence added, "The most serious thing in this winter!"

The more he said the more interesting, the things he said from his mouth, it is like a person must take three meals a day.

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