The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2596: Drive out of the room

I strolled the whole island, took some photos, made some records, and he did not stay in Sicily for too long, but went directly to Nanfa.

France is also cold this season, winter.

A few people stayed in a small town in the southern Provence region.

The most famous of the South Law, it should be a small town, but the two are not the season, the winter is the winter, the beauty of South France in the summer, has become a depression in the winter.

The plan developed by Luo Yibei did not stay here for a long time, only three days.

The winter snow of Southern France is relatively less than other places, and there are not many times when it is next. When Fang Chi Xia went, he just caught up.

Not very big, but, in the first two days, every day is down.

The place where a family of four lives is a villa in the town, and it was also the place where Fangchi lived before summer.

She has been practicing French. She has been to France for countless times. She has lived here, has been on a business trip, and has been here when she is playing. It is familiar to her as her second home.

Her villa is incredibly small, and there is only one room.

Luo Yibei was very heartless and forced Xiao Xiao to go out to sleep on the sofa. Xiao Chenxi specially bought a children's bed and placed it in the living room.

Xiaoyi used to be independent and not so delicate. It was a bit embarrassing to be rushed to the living room, but there was nothing to adapt to.

In the evening, with the morning sun on the sofa, the brothers and sisters still intimately make a mess.

The place where Fang Chi Xia lived was very quiet.

Every night, there are very few lights lit up around.

This kind of place, for Luo Yibei, is actually more suitable for honeymoon than taking a child to vacation.

Quiet without any noisy people waiting for noisy, the whole world only him and her, how good!

Stayed here for two days, and on the third morning, Fang Chi Xia woke up a bit early.

The snow outside seems to have stopped.

Standing on the balcony of the room, you can feel the morning light projected from the outside, warm and soft.

After Fang Chi Xia got up, two children and Luo Yibei were still asleep, did not bother, and one drove to a market that was a little far from the town.

Once I went, I didn’t come back for a long time.

Luo Yibei wakes up at seven.

Before he opened his eyes, he habitually stretched out his arm and salvaged him on his side.

She is not around.

Even in the pillow, her breath has disappeared.

People seem to have left for a long time.

Luo Yibei's eyes sank, broke the sheets and went out of bed, striding out of the room.

"Chi Xia!" Pushing open the room of a small villa, he called.

There was no response around, she was not at home.

“Chi Xia!” Luo Yibei stepped down the stairs, walked out of the villa and turned around in the garden.

The surroundings are very quiet, and there is still no sound coming.

Luo Yibei looked sharply out of the door, black and tight, and pondered for a few seconds, like what he thought of, his heart was tight, he wanted to run outside the villa, and when he was at the door, he couldn’t help but hit a figure. Just around.

"Hey!" A familiar cry, seems to bring a bit of blame.

"Luo Yibei, you do..." Fang Chi Xia smashed his forehead and raised his face with dissatisfaction. He wanted to spit a few words. However, after gazing at him, all the unexported words suddenly endured.

His gaze locked her, and it was always a cloud of lightness on weekdays. It seemed to be a panic.

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