She said it was careful, her eyes were serious that Fang Chi Xia had never seen before, and the seriousness of a two-year-old child.

The morning face was very flowery, and I couldn’t see it for an hour before and after. The diamond princess that Luo Yibei gave her on her head was lost, the hair was messy, the skirt was dirty, and the knees were broken. I don’t know if I fell. How many times to follow.

Walking out of the palace to the park, a child needs at least half an hour.

Such a long road, Fang Chixia did not know how she came two years old, how much perseverance is needed.

Fang Chijing stared quietly at her little face for a moment, and lifted her face and shook her tears in her eyes. She opened her arms and held her little body.

"There are already a lot of people who are helping, baby, this kind of thing doesn't require you to do it. You and your brother only need to grow up healthy every day!" The little face with her baby fat gently licked. Fang Chi Xia raised her hand to help her wipe the dirty face, and thanked her two strangers, and picked her up in the direction of the palace.

Because of the sudden departure of the morning sun, the dinner has already ended in advance.

Fang Chixia took her morning shower and went back to help her take a shower and stay in her room. She stayed with her until she fell asleep.

When I walked out of the house, I just met Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing is a very reasonable person. No matter what happens, she will not only consider one side.

Fang Chixia can understand no matter how she chooses.

Looking at her with a smile, Sha Zhixing often asked like a chatter, "Dawn is asleep?"

"Well, the child is probably a little tired." Fang Chi Xia Dao.

"You can go to bed early!" Sha Zhixing did not say anything, turned and left.

She did not say a sigh to this incident, the matter of feelings, who is right or wrong is not the other person has the final say.

Fang Chixia stood in the same place, staring at her back and watching it for a while, then turned back to her room.

After returning to the room, lying in bed, she could not sleep.

From time to time, the head echoed from the morning, and was full of grievances and words, as well as her dirty face.

Fang Chi Xia in the middle of the night when there were countless pictures of her tonight, and in the middle of the night, she suddenly remembered Luo Yibei.

I remembered that he and she had lived in C for a few years, remembering what she thought was the first time they first saw that night, remembering the time when the two had just married, and the various things after marriage.

She shut herself in the room for three days. On the fourth day, when Sha Zhixing and the rest of the Luo family were preparing to return home, she made a decision.

When the owners of Luojia had arrived at the airport, Fang Chixia rushed over with two children.

"Chi Xia!" Sha Zhixing looked at her astonished.

"Mom, I will go back with you!" Fang Chixia did not explain too much, holding a child to the ticket office.

Sha Zhixing’s line of sight followed her figure and stared at her quietly, her lips swaying.

Fang Chi Xia spent a few minutes to check in the three people and entered the waiting hall with the Luo family.

Before boarding the plane, she couldn't help but look back at the sea of ​​people behind her.

Her eyes swam slowly on the spot, like who was looking for it.

The airport is a place where people come and go, and it is also a place for reunion and reunion.

She is looking forward to finding a familiar figure in such a place -

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