There was a burst of red on the face of Tong Yan.

Where does she look like a person who is in love?

He looked at him too far, and Tong Yan calmed his face and talked with him very openly. "Dad, you are looking for a man!"

Qing Yafeng’s insistence is that her daughter can’t marry.

His face sank and swayed gently and gently swayed the teacup in his hand. His eyes faintly fell to her, and she returned to her very coldly. "What to look for? Dad raises you forever!"

Tong Yan always knew his temper, although he did not agree with him, but his heart was moved.

Although the engine hegemony is overbearing, but the root of all hegemony is all because of her love!

Did not refute his words, Tong Yan lips corner, a few steps down the stairs to come to him, open his arms and hold him.

"Dad, you are so good!"

Qing Yafeng patted her shoulder and showed her a blank eye.

Tong Yan smiled at him and turned his head. His eyes looked at the other direction of the villa without any problems.

"Who are you looking for?" Qing Yafeng sensitively caught her sight, and the ink eyebrows were screwed.

Tong Yan’s gaze was taken back from the garden, so he did not do anything. He tried to ask, “Dad, did you celebrate this morning?” she asked carefully, and asked him to observe his reaction.

Qing Yafeng did not think about it, Zhangkou returned to her, "No!"

He said that it was such a thing.

"When are you sitting here?" Tong Yan only asked him when he got up late.

"Six o'clock." Still very simple answer.

There is something in the chest of the child’s chest that has just risen.

Didn't he come?

The flowers in the room today, except Shi Yanyang, she guessed no one else.

However, if he has been here, it is impossible for Qing Yafeng to know...

Qing Yafeng stared at her face, observing her slight reaction, her face stiff and stiff.

Is this disappointing for that kid?

Shijia and Qingjia are world exchanges. For decades, I don’t know how many times I have traveled.

Tong Yan is known from the birth and Shi Yanyang. Shi Yanyang is actually not good for Tong Yan.

However, inexplicable, Qing Yafeng suddenly saw that the kid is not pleasing to the eye!

The woman has been in control for so many years, as long as the man who will eventually take Tong Yan away from his hands, Qing Yafeng basically does not look good.

Tong Yan sat in the living room for a while, and did not figure out the problem of the bunch of flowers today.

Not him, who will send her this?

However, think again, why did Shi Yanyang send flowers to her?

A man with other women in his heart, what reason does he have to please her?

Tong Yan has been helping with Rong Xi in the past few days.

Shi Yuyang was purely to help Luo Yibei, and Tong Yan was dragged away by Shi Yangyang.

From entering Rongxi to now, she has been working around Shi Yanyang for several months.

After Shi Yiyang went to his office every day, he always habitually waited for her.

However, she did not appear all day today.

Shi Yanyang only had something in her family and didn't care.

However, what he could not think of was that Tong Yan did not show up the next day.

She has not been in for two consecutive days.

Two days, not a long time, however, it was such a short time, suddenly did not see her, he suddenly did not get used to it...

Tong Yan still did not appear on the third day of the morning.

Shi Yanyang didn't know what was going on her side and tried to call her.

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