The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2928: What kind of way do you like it?

Qing Muchen was still sitting next to her, and her body was squeezed by her to the door.

His size is one meter eighty-nine, which is a lot bigger than her.

What is sitting like this?

Qing Muchen’s eyes twitched, and a cold eyes glanced at her and swept over. “Sit back in three seconds!”

"On the road, I exchanged it for danger!" Moxier just fainted him, and did not take his words seriously, and continued to drive his own car.

She said that the road was so dangerous, however, the car was driving up, but the speed was very fast.

The black sports car galloped on the road and flew up.

Her car didn't drive well, and the speed was fast, and the bumps were more powerful than Qing Muchen.

Qing Muchen did not wear a seat belt, and the car bumped up. Several times, his head almost hit the car glass next to him.

His face was not very good-looking, so after a few tossing, the whole face was black.

"I said, in the past!" With a sullen face, he raised his voice again.

This time, Moxier did not seem to hear it, and the car was still flying fast on the road.

"Stop within three seconds, otherwise the consequences will be conceited!" The warning in the tone of Qing Muchen was serious.

Moxier still ignored it.

In the chest, Qing Muchen was angry. The big hand wrapped her hand. His hand pulled her hard and pushed the car to the side. She pushed her away. He replaced her in the driver's seat. The car drove to the Qing family.

After arriving at the Qing family, I will drive the car first.

She pulled her door open and grabbed her with her big hand. He pulled her down from the car rudely, and the door was too lazy to lock, and took her to the direction of the main house.

His strength is very strong, and the hand that buckles Moxier hurts her quickly.

At this time, the Qing family had a lot of activities, and when they passed through the gardens and halls, they led a group of servants to watch.

Moxier wanted to resist, but he didn't want to make things big and hold back.

When I went upstairs, Tong Xizhen just went downstairs.

After passing by the two, she was shaken by the thick suffocation of Qing Muchen.

Looking at the hand of Qing Muchen again, her brow wrinkled, and she exclaimed. "Qing Muchen, you give me a lighter! Xier is your wife!"

Qing Muchen couldn’t hear it. He went straight upstairs and went to his room. He took Moxier into the house and the door was slammed hard.

Pulling her against the wall next to him, his body wanted to be pressed violently, and Moxier suddenly held an arm to stop him.

Lifting her face and gazing at his eyes without fear, she said something that made Qing Muchen very surprised. "Can you change the fresh way?"

When she ridiculed his anger, she only knew that she would toss her so much, and she seemed to be impatient.

Qing Muchen is preparing to lean towards her body, and the corner of her eye is slanting to her. He seems to squat.

I stared at her for a moment, and his lips were hooked coldly and coldly.

Then he said something that made Moxier more unexpected.

The thin lips are slightly moving, he said, "I don't like this way? What do you like? Backward? Squatting? Or something else?"

He misinterpreted the words of Moxier, and the "way" in the mouth of Moxier was deliberately distorted into the posture when doing those things!

He said that this kind of words never felt embarrassed, and his face did not change.

Moxier's face burst into red, and he was blocked by his voice.

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