Afraid to wake him up, she moved very slowly.

The body curled up into a ball, like a cat who was greedy with the sun. The whole person got into his arms and felt his body temperature. Her head slid against his strong chest.

Seeing that he did not respond, his limbs stretched out, and Moxier reattached his hand to him.

She did not expect that Qing Muchen looked cold like a piece of ice, but this time it was as warm as a warm stove.

Moxi is thin and has no fat on his body. He was very cold from an early age.

In Sicily, the heating in her room almost never stopped in the winter.

Qing Muchen just complemented her.

Married to him for such a period of time, this is the first time Mo Xier does not exclude him, a man she should call her husband.

This is the first time that Moxier knows that it turns out that many people around can have such benefits.

She didn't tweak her behavior too much. What she thought was that, in any case, Qing Muchen fell asleep and didn't know anything.

The two more intimate people have done it. What is this?

She used the jingmuchen right as a natural stove, and after leaning in his arms, she was greedy for his warmth and had not removed her body for a long time.

Turning over in his arms and flipping over, she even changed several comfortable positions.

The man around him is always lying quietly, as if he has been sleeping, never moving from start to finish.

This time is still early, at seven o'clock, Moxier wakes up and has nothing to do. He looks up and looks at the face of Qing Muchen at the top of his eyes. He still doesn't wake up. Moxier is so cuddling in his arms. I decided to sleep for a little longer.

She closed her eyes and the plan was only a short while. However, it was probably his arms that were too warm and he fell asleep accidentally.

I don’t know when I started, the man she used to guard against, now, she has a sense of security.

Just relying on Qing Muchen, Mo Xier sleeps so deeply that he even has no habit of vigilance on weekdays.

As she breathed evenly, the man with his eyes closed on his bed slammed open.

Qing Muchen's line of sight moved down at an extremely slow speed, staring at her sleeping face for a few seconds, his eyes shifting to the hand she turned into his bathrobe, the two men crossed / wrapped legs.

Moxier's legs are casually placed on his lap, and the skirt is climbing under her movements. Most of the slender **** is exposed to the air, without any precautions, without any mustard.

The sleeping position of the two is no different from all normal couples.

Qing Muchen stared at this look quietly. She looked at it for a while, and the deep ink of the ink was like a pool of spring water that had been softened, and the waves were cleared little by little.

His alertness has always been very high. In fact, he was awake when he first ran to him from the hand of Moxier.

Nothing was given, partly because I wanted to see what she really wanted to do.

There are also some reasons why Qing Muchen does not want to admit it.

He does not reject all the behaviors of Moxier this morning. On the contrary, he feels the softness of her body when she is soft and soft, and he enjoys it.

Moxier’s second time sent his arms.

The first time was when I was asleep and unconscious.

The second time is to wake up in the morning and know exactly what each of your actions means.

Coveted looking at her unprepared sleep in her arms, his lips looked good and raised.

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