The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2947: The consequences of leaving my husband

Qing Muchen looked at her eyes and was full of contempt. For the past two decades, I have never seen such stupidity for him.

However, when he came into contact with the eyes of Moxier, he went down very quickly.

The slender leg came to her side, and there was no temperature. She glanced at her. He screamed coldly. "This is the consequence of not waiting for her husband!"

He used the word husband to make it very fluent.

Moxier’s throat was like being smashed by something, and he was blocked by him and didn’t know what to say.

Qing Muchen crouched down her window, slamming the drum on the left side and slamming the drum on the right side. In less than three minutes, she straightened up and pulled the door, pushing the Moxier to the side. When the car was started, the car could be operated normally.

He seems to be omnipotent, there is nothing he can't, even the basic thing of repairing a car.

Although Moxier didn't feel anything about him, he admired him.

With a look of appreciation, she sat in the driver's seat.

Qing Muchen operated the steering wheel and slowly drove the car out of the villa, carrying her to the home.

The snow on the ground is not big, but the road is very slippery.

His speed is very slow, and he probably hasn't opened it in his life.

Moxier sat quietly beside him, no hurrying, no trouble, and gave him everything.

There is music in the car, classic old English song, "When-You-Love-Me".

The soothing and slightly hoared bass slowly flows out of the CD, like the sound of a cassette turning, hoarse and magnetic.

Moxier's eyes fell on the snow outside the window, and a familiar bass was echoed in his ear. He was accidentally brought in, followed by the melody, and she gently licked.



She was very light and grew up in Sicily. When she spoke English, every pronunciation was very authentic.

The voice is also very pleasant.

On the other side of the seat, Qing Muchen seems to be staring at her.

When the car drove through a shopping mall and the lights of the mall were reflected into the window, Moxier noticed his reaction behind the window. She first smashed, so the sound suddenly stopped.

Qing Muchen is staring at her, and the light is shining like the night sky.

Moxier quietly looked at him in the window, hey, the chest seemed to be gently stirred up by something.

The gaze of Qing Muchen met with her through the glass of the car. The two men stared at each other for a few seconds. The first thing that was removed was Moxier.

She seemed to be somewhat uncomfortable, and the drive behind it suddenly became quiet.

Looking down the window, she seemed to deliberately avoid the murder of Chen Muchen, and the line of sight did not turn to him.

The car continued to drive on the road, and the car that could have been reached half a mile seemed to be extremely long for today's Moxier.

It was still very early when I arrived at the home, only half past seven.

The Qing family prepared a very rich Christmas dinner tonight, and the family sat at the table and seemed to be preparing to dine.

"Hey, come back!" Seeing the young couple coming back, Qing Yafeng’s first voice.

"Everyone thinks that you will come back tomorrow!"

"I don't come back, how do you get together this meal?" Qing Muchen's eyes swept to his face, no big and no small tune.

Qing Yafeng was accustomed to his tone of speech, whited him, and he did not care much about him.

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