The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2961: Walk into his world (3)

Did not say anything after getting on the bus, Qing Muchen was so arrogantly clutching his lips, nothing extra words, directly launched the car.

Tong Yan sat in the back of the car, quietly watching the two people in front from the beginning to the end, the lips are always slightly tilted.

The feeling of a woman has always been accurate.

Look, her instincts are not allowed again?

Moxier seems to be very surprised. Qing Muchen will suddenly appear, sitting in his position in a stiff position. When the car is driving on the road, her gaze is slightly sideways, and occasionally she will sneak a peek at him.

The reason he suddenly came out, she did not know.

Is it because Tong Yan’s words before going out?

The three people in the car are very quiet. When the car is driving to the pier opposite the night, the first thing to open is the child's face. "How come suddenly thinking about going to the night?"

Qing Muchen’s back was stiff and stiff, and the steps under his feet were closed. He turned his head and his eyes slanted toward Moxier behind him.

The problem of Tong Yan is also his concern.

Moxier lifted his face, but he glanced at him with a faint look. His eyes slanted toward the child's face, and he slightly touched the lower lip corner. The cloud was light and windy. "Just suddenly thought of it."

After a pause, she added, "As a wife, I have always felt that I have less concern for my husband. I want to know more about it now."

Her words are actually said to follow the child's face.

In the tone, the ingredients of jokes are bigger than real.

However, Qing Muchen seems to have stunned.

Looking at her eyes stunned, his lips unknowingly rose up.

It seems that taking her words seriously.

Regardless of whether she said it was a true inner thought, Qing Muchen succeeded in being pleased by her.

"Hey, everything is right." Tong Yan smiled and added a sentence, walked in front of the cruise ship to the island, "Go!"

The night is a separate island, connected to the C city with a sea, the location is relatively hidden, only through a special cruise.

No one is leading, and it is difficult for outsiders to be close to the island.

Moxier stood on the deck of the cruise ship, his long hair was raised with the wind, his eyes quietly staring at the island slowly approaching in front, and he was lost after the cruise.

In fact, why she didn't know why she wanted to come here.

When I got up this morning, it was so sudden that I thought of this place.

I think about where he is going to get the task every day, want to see the environment here, and want to come and understand what the other side of him is.

They are all married, she knows nothing about him, and she seems to be unable to say it.

Whether it is to be seen in front of both parents, or other reasons, she should understand his dark side.

Qing Muchen is happy to bring her.

His mood was very different from the last time. When he brought her last time, he basically didn't feel anything.

Because she doesn't care, she doesn't know all aspects of her, and he doesn't care.

But now, when she led her on the island, the mood of Qing Muchen was slightly awkward.

He has been talking about the words before Moxier.

Is it really just for me to simply understand him?

The nature of his work is actually no different from the father of Mexico.

When I grew up in such a family, she likes the other half of her life, and is she engaged in such a dark business?

Qing Muchen never cares about anyone's attitude, this time on the night, even a little tangled for a while!

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