Looking at the row of my communication records, I couldn't brush her name, and Qing Muchen was slightly annoyed.

Does this woman forget that she still has a husband?

However, I don’t know what happened to her side, and Qing Muchen swallowed this anger.

Maybe she is too busy to forget?

Fingertips cut off a potted plant next to it, and Qing Muchen suddenly felt that he was a bit ridiculous.

When did he become so "interpret"?

Pressing the urge to call her, Qing Muchen decided to continue.

However, after a night, Moxier still did not call.

Not only this evening, but even the next two nights, there was no news of her.

Qing Muchen resisted his temper and called a ink dad on a phone call.

"Dad is good!"

"Mu Chen, is it called to find Xier?" When the ink dad was connected, Shantou was a sentence.

He has always been wise, and he has guessed it.

However, Qing Muchen is not willing to admit.

A woman who has forgotten her own home in the country, what is she looking for?

"No, Dad, I just called to talk to you casually." Shen Shen breathed, and Qing Muchen touched his mouth and smiled at him.

"Oh, this way!" Mom Dad seems to have some accidents.

"Yeah, I haven't called over for a long time, and I don't know what your mother and mother are doing." Qing Muchen echoed a sentence.

"Do you have a daddy that I am old enough to care about?"

Qing Muchen was stunned by his words, touched his nose, and followed his words. "No, Dad, you are still young, you are worthy of youth. Isn’t this a gossip?"

"That is!" My father accepted his praise and accepted it for granted.

Moxier is only 19 years old this year. The Mohs and his wife are not old. It is not much different from what Qing Muchen said. Qing Muchen is always praised, but not outrageous.

Qing Muchen seems to be a bit speechless to him, his mouth pumped and changed the subject. "Right, Dad, what happened to you on the other side?"

He was curious about the reason why Moxier hurried back, except for the Mohist couple, who else had the ability to make her go so fast?

However, listening to the tone of the ink father, it is obvious that the couple did not have any problems.

Ink Dad stunned for a moment, and the smile hanging on his face slowly caught, and suddenly he was silent.

He is thinking about how to say that it is more appropriate to say to Qing Muchen. The relationship between Moxier and Mo Yan is not to be said. The discerning person actually knows that the two are innocent, but just put it in Qing Muchen, how would he look, ink Dad doesn't know.

What kind of savvy person, Qing Mochen, did not say anything about his father’s words, but he was silent. He already understood.

Related to that man?

Ink Dad pondered for a while and slowly said in a way that he thought would not be misunderstood. "Mu Chen, Mo Yan had something wrong, and Xier came back for him this time. In these years, Xier has been When she was a part of this family, she was a brother, and after receiving the call, she was not at ease, so..."

Before I finished, the words were blocked by Qing Muchen. "Dad, I know."

His words, the clouds are light and windy, did not hear any anger.

Ink Dad couldn't see his present expression, and he didn't think much, and he sighed.

"Come in the sky to Sicily." He suggested before hanging up the phone.

"Good." Qing Muchen's lips are cold and cold, and the fingertips drop the call button.

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