Moxier had prepared for breakfast, and he was so stared at him that he was suddenly overwhelmed.

Ink's face is a stiff one.

Qing Muchen ignored his face from the beginning to the end with his own filter, his eyes turned to Moxier.

She stared at her preparing for the soup, and he reminded, "Wife, I have no lunch!"

A "wife", the pitch is very high, and the sound is dragged by him for a long time.

Although he called Moxier so, he usually never called her at home for no reason.

Today, he knows that Moxier is deliberate!

He is deliberately calling to Mo Yan!


Moxier was speechless to him, but he still listened to his words.

"What do you want to eat? The food here is wounded. Do you want me to call and let the family get ready to be sent."

"Don't be so troublesome, what are you preparing for your wife, what do I eat!" Qing Muchen had a very negotiating tone.

A single "wife" heard the Moxier chicken skin tremble.

"Okay." Not entangled with him on this issue, Moxier continued to prepare his own lunch.

She turned her back to the back of Qing Muchen, and her face did not turn over once.

Qing Muchen looked at her cold eyes, and even if Moxier turned his back to him, he still felt that his back was like a cold wind blowing.

Can't see him! Can't see him!

After self-hypnosis, she continued to pick up her own soup.

Ink's ward is the ultimate luxury, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, full set of daily living facilities.

Qing Muchen sat in the chair, Erlang's legs were high and his eyes were lifted back from her, and he slid into the bathroom.

There are a lot of things in the bathroom, which are basically used in men's lives.

Women's supplies, nothing.

Looking back, Qing Muchen snorted.

She should be glad that there is nothing in her place, otherwise the consequences are not what she can afford!

Inkwell sat on the hospital bed, and the corner of his eye squinted in his direction, just sweeping into the eyes of Qing Muchen, his brow wrinkled.

He did not like the look of Qing Muchen, like to catch and rape.

In the eyes of Mo Yan, this kind of look is a great insult to Moxier.

"Is there something to come to Sicily?" Qing Muchen came in for so long, and Mo Yan opened his mouth for the first time.

"Fortunately, there is nothing important." Qing Muchen poured himself a cup of tea and lazily returned to him.

When Mo Yan followed his words, he said, "The ward needs to be quiet. If nothing happens, the idlers will go back soon!"

Qing Muchen's hand holding the cup was a stiff, and the sputum shot a cold light.

Anyone waiting?

He is true for Mohlin.


The lips are cold and cold, and he countered sharply. "With his wife for a long time, the idlers will disappear automatically!"

His remarks are very subtle.

For Mo Yan, he is a messy person.

However, he and Moxier and his wife gathered together. For Qing Muchen, Mo Yan is a noisy person!

Running to someone else's ward, but dare to let the owner of the room go, he may be the first ever!

The ink smudge's expression solidified for a few seconds, and his face seemed a bit dark.

Qing Muchen couldn’t see it, and continued to drink with his own tea.

Moxier listened to the dialogue between the two people, and the spoon in his hand trembled. "啪嗒" hit the ceramic pot.

Can his face be thicker?

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