The car parked in the middle of the road, a person sitting in the car, Moxier stared at the traffic lights in front of him for a long time, and his eyes were all over the eyes of Qing Muchen.

The kind of self-esteem with loneliness, cold arrogance, with a faint expectation and arrogance, but can not be said.

Around, the traffic is very busy.

There are a lot of cars coming and going.

The red light in front is counted down in one minute and one second.

There are still a dozen seconds, it seems to be transformed into a green light.

Moxier is still missing, and does not seem to notice this problem.

The team behind him lined up in a long row, next to her car, and the cars were rowed back.

The traffic lights in front just changed at this time.

Moxier was invisible, his eyes just staring blankly at the front, and did not react.


The sound of the car whistling came from behind.

Moxier was immersed in his own world and still did not hear.

"Can't you go? Don't leave it!"

In the long queue blocked by the rear, I don’t know who snorted.

"Yeah, yeah, what are you doing in front?"

"Do you understand the traffic rules?"

"When is the car open?"

Accompanied by the voice of the first person, followed by a large number of echoes, and the whistling sound of the non-stop press.

The eardrums of Moxier were almost punctured.

Going back to God, a group of people with a cold twilight swept away, she dropped her car and turned to the side lane, and a wind swelled away.

Her car is moving back and the speed is fast.

Crossing the long street, at the end of the road, when you want to turn, the speed is too fast, the front of the car just turned, and the car slammed into a car.

Moxier’s reaction has always been agile, and when she saw that the two cars were about to hit, she stopped in time.

The agile strain, for the collision after the two cars, reduced some lethality.

However, the opponent's front seems to be thrown and broken.

Almost two minutes after the accident, the traffic police rushed over.

The situation of the two cars was checked. A man walked outside of Moxier, staring at her window and looking at it, holding the notebook to make a record. "Name!"

Moxier stiffly held the steering wheel and did not answer.

The voice of the man outside "Name!" was raised.


"Wait here." To the end, the man turned and went to another car to ask the owner of the other car.

Simple inquiry, investigation of the scene, traffic responsibility judgment, a series of things busy, and spent a few dozen minutes.

When Moxier returned to Moh, the sky began to rain again.

When walking out of the car and stepping into the garden, Qing Muchen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hall.

The eyes of two people quietly looked at each other across the rain curtain, that is, a few meters away, Moxier still felt the chill in his eyes.

It was a kind of cold that permeated the bones. She used to teach him countless times in the past.

Moxier is no stranger to him like this.

This feeling seems to return to the initial acquaintance of the two.

He was still the cold and faint of the beginning, to see whoever had sharp eyes.

And she has nothing to do with him.

Moxier stood in the rain curtain with a red umbrella, staring at him like this, and wanted to say something, just, to the lips, and did not know how to open.

She does not want to be passionate.

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