Walking to the stairway, the pace at the foot accelerated, and she changed from the original to the run.

Her speed is very fast, like she is really anxious to do something.

However, looking at Shi Yanyang's eyes, it seems like he is eager to avoid something.

However, when she thought of her darkness last night, he felt that he really thought more.

Tong Yan squatted down the stairs and walked out of his field of vision. His footsteps slowed down.

It was snowing outside, no umbrella, and a person strolling through the snow-covered garden. Her bags were heavy, like, I didn't sleep last night.

The eyes are red, like the one just crying.

However, Shi Yangyang did not see anything.

Shi Yanyang stood in the corridor, and her eyes still stayed in the direction she had just left. One person stood so disappointingly, and wanted to go back to the house and bring her clothes he brought back to China. He had already walked to the door. He Like thinking of something, the footsteps suddenly stunned.

Definitely staring at the clothes in the room, Tong Yan bought his clothes and looked at him. He stunned and ran down the stairs downstairs.

The reason why Tong Yangang went downstairs was that she was going to the winter camp.

I have to leave for a few days. However, when she left, she clearly did not bring anything. It was not like someone who was going abroad for a few days!

Shi Yanyang's pace was very fast. He ran out of the room all the way, went downstairs, looked around in the downstairs, found no one, and found it in the garden.

"Yan Yan!"

The little garden is surprisingly quiet.

There is nothing other than the sound of snow falling.

Childhood is not there.

"Yan Yan!" Shi Yanyang strode out and went out, looking around and looking around.

The place where Tong Yan lived was very quiet. This time, it was early, and there was no mention of Tong Yan in the vicinity, not even people passing by.

In the air, the snow seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

The sky is gray and oppressive.

Shi Yanyang looked up at the falling snow and looked at it. He strode back to the villa of Tong Yan, found out the keys of her car, and continued to search for it while driving.

First, I found a circle around the villa. I didn't find anyone. He drove to the school again.

This weekend, the school gate is quiet and there is no one.

Shi Yanyang cars have already opened to the school gate, looking at the empty campus, only suddenly remembered this problem.

She didn't come to school, the car was here, where would she go?

Shi Yanyang sat in the car, staring at the snow outside for a while, and couldn't figure out where she might be. She could only continue to look around blindly.

His car ran around the city of Paris, another round, almost all of Paris search, however, there is still no shadow of childishness.

The snow in Paris today is surprisingly large and large, and the snow has already caused interference to the moving vehicles.

Shi Yanyang’s car was on the way back to the villa, and it could not be opened in the snow. The rescue workers in the snow also came slowly. The road behind him was completely off the bus and walked away.

When I returned to the villa, the villa was empty and she didn't come back.

Without her home, it seems that she suddenly became a lot colder. After Shi Yanyang pushed open the iron gate and walked in, he didn't feel warm, but felt colder than the outside temperature.

Shi Yanyang gently raised his face, letting the snow in the air fall on his face, feeling the cold chill after the falling snow, and he didn't feel cold.


In order to connect with the text, there is also a seven-year relationship between the pair. The first time of the two was written in the text seven years later. Originally, seven or seven did not intend to write again. However, it seems that there is no way to connect without writing. Come, solicit the opinions of everyone, how do you think?

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