The small milk bag came with Shi Yangyang.

When Fangchi came to Paris to attend the graduation ceremony of Tong Yan two days before the summer, Luo Yibei was not at ease and accompanied him.

Xiao Yi said that after his parents did not intend to take their own trip to Paris, they offered to live with Shi Yangyang for a few days.

It turns out that the child's mind is not even comparable to many adults.

There was no other reason to follow him. Just because he guessed it, everyone came to Paris to celebrate Tong Yan. On weekdays, Shi Yanyang, who is very concerned about Tong Yan, has no reason not to attend!

This is the reason for the small milk bag.

As long as Shi Yangyang also came to Paris, he should also bring himself together.

No, he is not coming with his uncle?

The small milk bag has not seen Tong Yan for half a year. When chatting with her, the nature of the bag is revealed, and I have a lot to say.

Tong Yan was extremely patient with him. Shi Yanyang never saw the gentleness in her. In the face of Xiao Yi, Tong Yanquan showed up.

Shi Yanyang quietly listened to the conversation between the two, and the words in his head were still reminiscing about Tong Yangang’s words.

Tong Yan and the small milk bag probably talked about the phone for nearly half an hour. After the end, they hang up the call and are about to push the bicycle to leave. The Shi Yan Yang around him is not afraid to say, "What is the last time to come to Paris?"

The sudden words made the child's face slightly stiff.

The sleek face slowly lifted up, looking at the sky above the head, and she seemed to be a little shocked by the question he suddenly asked.

"Answer me!" Shi Yanyang squinted and looked serious.

Tong Yan’s back to him for a few seconds of silence, deeply conditioning the breath, his face slightly sideways, staring at him for a few seconds, faintly spit out, “The professional that I studied earlier is French, and then very serious. After thinking about it, French can only help to expand the circle of communication at most, or a little help in opening up the French market. In fact, it does not mean much."

“Our school is a language school, and it has similar meanings to other professions. But when it comes to Paris, the building not only helps a lot of business at home, but the school here is also highly motivated, and it is a last resort.”

In a few words, she simply stated the reasons for her transfer to school.

It is still the tone of the cloud, and the tone is so calm that no one can hear anything.

Shi Yanyang didn't expect the reason to be like this. Looking at her, it seems a bit disappointing.

Tong Yan took back the line of sight and pushed her car over to the direction of the villa.

"Xiao Yi is coming, I will go see him!"

Without paying attention to Shi Yanyang behind her, she returned to the villa first.

When I arrived, the small milk bag leaned against the door, and the little adult looked like a lazy kid waiting for her.

"Hey, come back!"

Seeing her, he didn't have a big ridicule.

"I am still with my uncle! Where have you been? Are you dating?"

"Children think a lot!" Tong Yan parked the car at the gate, smashed his head and hugged him.

"Baby, I want to die! Go to the mother!"

Sweeping the previous coldness, she kissed her little cheeky little bun.

Shi Yanyang stood not far away, staring at the two people watching it, his brows wrinkled.

It’s so welcoming to a little boy, why did he only have a bad face?

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